Monday, October 15, 2012

Why Not Undertake Volunteer Work While Traveling Abroad?

If you want to get a real taste of a country and its culture on your travels while picking up new skills and meeting new people; a great way to do this is by opting to do some volunteer work.

How does it work?

There are a few schemes available online that you can sign up to in order to facilitate volunteer work. These schemes are usually free to register, and some will upgrade membership by payment of a small fee. Membership upgrade usually gives you access to more countries and/or access to more available hosts.

These schemes put you in touch with 'hosts', which can range from anything from working on an organic farm to staying with, and being part of a local family.

What type of work is expected?

The work you are expected to do can vary from helping out with baby sitting, to using and developing skills in permaculture and organic farming. You could find yourself milking cows in the Swiss Alps or helping out on an organic farm in Hungary, to wine harvesting in the South of France.

Normally, you will be offered bed and board in exchange for a few hours' work a day. The hours of work are usually agreed between you and your host beforehand.This is important so that you and your host know exactly what is expected of you before you arrive.

What skills can I pick up?

Some places will help you with language skills and you can exchange your skills for something you might like to learn or get involved in. The sort of skills you learn on these travels can even help you in your future career. There are a lot of organic farm stays available nowadays which can provide you with many eco skills, from traditional building practices to organic farming.

Travel on a budget

Because you are not paying for bed and board this can have a positive impact on your overall travel budget, with the advantage that anything you do spend will most likely not be at the grossly inflated prices other tourists are subject to.

Other benefits

Hosts may provide internet access, your own room and use of facilities which can be a real boon when traveling in the long-term. Some hosts will also take you on trips to local places of interest. Remember, because you are usually off the beaten track it is likely that anywhere you go will not be on the tourist trail in any event. You will be experiencing and seeing things that most travelers will not have access to.

Better still, on these type of schemes sometimes long and lasting friendships can develop. This can be between you and your hosts, or the people you meet on your travels.

Bon voyage!

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