Saturday, October 6, 2012

Finding Hotel Deals: Your Complete Guide to Finding the Best Deals

How much would you expect to pay for an average hotel room, during an average vacation. For me, the number $500 pops into my head. In my experience, that seems to be what a hotel room costs for an entire vacation. Obviously, it depends on where you're going, and how long you're going to stay ther, but I think that's a reasonable estimate.

But, regardless of how you look at it you're spending a lot of money, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong. First, you don't want to pay too much. If you can avoid spending an extra $100 then that's definitely something you'll want to do.

But that's not my biggest concern. My biggest concern is that you get a good deal on a place you like. If you're going to spend hundreds of dollars on a hotel room (perhaps even thousands) then you should at least be able to stay at a plce you like. And that's what I'm going to talk about in this article. How can you find a hotel that you're going to be satisfied with, and give yourself the biggest bang for your buck.

The Mistake Most People Make

When people are looking at the quality of a hotel, they usually pay attention to the star rating. Although star rating can be a good indicator of quality, it's not the only factor.

The problem is that star ratings are assigned by organizations, and don't reflect everybody's opinion. Star ratings can also be influenced by the area around a hotel, so if you have a great hotel but not a lot around it, then it's possible that that will be shown in the star rating.

The Simple (Yet Effective) Solution

One of the things that I would recommend is paying more attention to people's reviews. When you're booking a hotel, most price comparison websites will publish reviews in addition to the star rating (you can also look at Trip Advisor). Pay attention to the comments and watch for any glaring issues.

How This Helps you Save Money

One of the things that you'll notice is that unless something is really unique about the hotel, then lower star options are more affordable then higher star options. And if you pay attention to the reviews, then you might see that the lower star options are offering just as good of an experience as the higher star options. It's also a good bet that the lower star option is a little bit cheaper.

Basically what I'm saying is that you're looking for diamonds in the rough. Diamonds in the rough are hotels that offer a great experience at a great price And isn't that what you're really after? A great experience?

Where to Find the Best Hotel Deals

The easiest way to find the best hotel deals is to look at a price comparison website. However, some are going to show different prices than others. It's actually possible to miss out on savings because you booked through one website in not another. There's a great article at about the top 3 places to book a hotel. Click here to check it out.

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