Monday, October 1, 2012

5 Good Reasons to Get an Overseas Nanny Job

Have you ever wondered how you can travel the world, learn a new language and experience a new culture without needing to spend a fortune in travel expenses? What if you could do all this, and get paid too? Getting a job as a nanny or an au pair is a perfect way to fulfill these dreams, especially if you enjoy being with children. There are employment opportunities all over the world, with families and on large tourist resorts for people of all ages.

While you will never become rich by working as a nanny or au pair, the pay is reasonable, and your board and lodging is all covered by your host. Health insurance is often provided as well. This means that you can travel to another country without concerns about finances or emergencies, as you will be covered by your employer for most eventualities. But what are some of the other advantages of taking up employment of this type?

Build new friendships - you will most often be placed with a family, but not as a servant. The term 'au pair' refers to someone with equal standing in the family as the other members. That means to you get to live with the family as one of their own. You do everything with them, and this means that if the family takes a summer holiday, you get to go along! The friendships built over a long summer can last a lifetime.
Excursions are paid for - you can plan different adventures, picnics or excursions to the park, the zoo or to a museum. As long as you take the children, you get your entrance fees paid for, you food is supplied, and all your transport is provided. Sometimes you even get to drive the family car.
Research and Study - if you are studying sociology, anthropology or teaching, working and living with a family in a context different from your own can give you great insights into your study, or can even supplement a research project. In any case, having experience as a nanny in a foreign culture goes really well on your resume, especially if you are preparing to work in education or a child related career.
New Skills - you will learn new skills like meal planning, household management, activity planning, transport arrangement, budgeting, and organising a schedule. These are all invaluable skills to have under your belt.
New Culture and Lifestyle - one of the best ways to learn about a new culture, is not as a tourist, but as a person who actually lives with normal people. If you want to brush up on your Spanish, or boost your German Studies with an insight into the local culture, working as a nanny is one of the best ways. In addition, many families are looking for a native English speaker to interact with the children in a natural way. That means that both sides win!

Working overseas as a nanny or au pair is a great opportunity, especially for young travelers. There are great advantages, but there are responsibilities as well. It is helpful to do some research first, which you can do here, and there are many really good nanny websites that give good, comprehensive information, and that can help match you with a suitable family.

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