Monday, October 15, 2012

How To Save For A Family Holiday

There is nothing quite like a great family holiday, but great family holidays come at a cost. You need to know how to save money for your family holiday if you ever want to be able to afford one. This article provides you with a 5 step process for saving enough money for your next trip.

Where you go on your next trip and how long you go for doesn't matter these tips can work for anyone. They are not the be all and end of of travel saving advice but they give you a good starting point and framework from which to base your savings plan on.

These steps are steps that I am taking myself to save for our next family holiday.

1. Decide How Much Money You Need

This is the first obvious step. Before you begin saving you first need to decide how much money you will need for your trip. Holidays can vary in expenses extremely. Obviously if you want to be staying in 5 star resorts having massages on a daily basis then it is going to cost you a lot more than free camping in the bush.

Decide what kind of holiday you want and do some research to find out exactly how much your holiday will cost. You now have your goal savings figure.

2. Create an Automatic Savings Plan

This tip could also be titled 'start saving'. The goal here is to 'pay yourself first' and to save money before it goes into your living expenses. My family has a certain amount of money each month that we save regardless. We then try and live off the rest.

Save the money you need first and then get creative as to how you are going to survive off the remaining amount. You will find it isn't as difficult as you first imagined.

3. Sell Any Unwanted Items

To ramp up your savings quickly sell any unwanted items lying around the house. Use eBay to sell old furniture and tech items for some extra cash.

4. Look To Create Extra Sources Of Income

Look for ways to create extra sources of income that you can save. Maybe you can get a second job, work extra hours or even start a business on the side. Make sure that every extra dollar that you earn you put towards your holiday. Don't go spending that extra income you make or you will find you are working extra hard with very little to show for it.

5. Spend Less and Save More

If you every get an opportunity to spend less then save the excess. Say you shopped at a discount supermarket and as a result you only spent $70 on the shopping when usually you would have spent $100. You can now save that $30 towards your holiday to speed up the process.

6. BONUS TIP: Have a working holiday

Some families even choose to have working holidays. For more tips check out these families that are travelling Australia because they took the time and saved up.

View the original article here


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