Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Bypass Retail Airfare Ticketing Prices and Get the Lowest Airfare Prices

If you're a keen traveller (or would like to be) you'll probably be all too aware of how expensive flights can be if you just pick up a telephone to book flights or visit an agency to book your travel excursion.

If you love to travel but hate paying retail prices for flights you'll be happy to know you could be buying airline tickets for 40 to 70% less.

Most people only know the "retail" way to buy airline tickets, they have no idea how and where airlines sell very cheap tickets wholesale to the travel agencies that in turn on sell them to you the retail customer.

One would assume that these very cheap flight wholesale tickets are only made available to travel agencies and websites - but this is not the case.

Airlines dont really care how or where they sell their tickets, as long as they sell the amount of seats they want to fill for their flights.

So where do they offer the majority of their seats and wholesale flights?

Consolidator fare outlets

Online website outlets like Expedia and Priceline

Independent travel agencies (who also regularly use the above resources to buy wholesale flights)

Last minute airline online deals (e.g. grabaseat)

So if travel agencies use many of the same resources that are available to us, why is it that we can't or that prices for flights can vary so much for passengers travelling on the same flight in virtually the same seats?

Well there are many factors that make the difference between very cheap flights and full paying fare flights. Savvy travelers who understand these differences will tell you that what price you pay for airfares can depend on:

The time of day you fly (the very cheapest flights are usually found at specific times of the day)

They know where airlines offer bulk deals to agencies with massive discounts offered to consolidators. The know how to find the cheapest flights on the websites that travel agents (and you too) go to buy heavily discounted wholesale flights.

They know what questions to ask at the ticket counter to get free upgrades, baggage or insurance upgrades and cheaper deals on flights

Essentially by understanding fundamentally how airline price tickets, and when and why some tickets are WAY cheaper than others (even though they are with the same airline on the same day but just booked in a slightly different manner) you can save hundreds of dollars on very cheap flights.

There are also many ways to save or upgrade on accommodation, airport parking (which is a frequently overlooked but often expensive oversight) if you know what and who to ask when you are booking flights and even when checking in or boarding your flight.

If you are only considering the price you pay for a flight but overlook the savings you can make on airport parking, hotel or shuttle costs it can pay for a good proportion of your flight.

There are many small but important considerations you can make when traveling that can not only extend your budget considerably, but also save you time, energy and comfort - especially if you know how to get free upgrades and airline sponsored vouchers for your next flight just by knowing what to ask and when to ask it.

The most relevant point to remember is that the time of day or week you fly can make the difference between paying premium and very cheap flight prices.

There are several websites you can check out today where you can find low airline prices, but don't just book any time and date. Try selecting several different times of day and if you're staying for a day or two at your destination try including a saturday stay in your trip and see how much the fares can vary.

There are so many ways you can save time and money when buying tickets, accommodation, and airport travel. If you follow the guidelines travel industry insiders like the tips covered comprehensively in airline industry insider Tony Morrison's Airfare Secrets book, can save not only money but loads of time and energy!

Mia of & author or Airline Insider Secrets To Free Or Insanely Cheap Airfares shares her experiences on how to travel for less and how to find the best cheap international air tickets utilising the tools and resources airline insiders and travel agencies use to acquire wholesale air fares and travel packages. Clare shares websites and other resources where travelers can bypass retail outlets & get super low flight deals anywhere in the world.

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