Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Planning a Trip? Eleven Tips to Save Money When You Travel

Are you planning a holiday? With smart preparation, you can arrange a trip that will not overload your credit card. Here are eleven easy tips to help keep you within a reasonable budget.

Comfort Yes - Luxury No

Opt for budget rental cars, economy class plane tickets, and reasonably priced accommodations. Do you really need a suite, or will a standard room serve your needs? Would a homestay or hostel be acceptable? They are certainly not for everyone, but might work for you.

Book Tickets in Advance

You may be able to save a great deal by booking accommodations, flights, and rental cars in advance, especially if you shop for deals on the Internet. With early booking, you are also more likely to get exactly what you are looking for.

Compare Air and Train Fares

In some parts of the world, train travel is considerably cheaper than air. Eurostar tickets, for example, can be booked online for many destinations in Europe. Enjoy a speedy, comfortable trip for much less than a plane ticket. While you ride the train, soak in the panoramic countryside views and make friends with some of the locals.

Use City Transit Services if Possible

City buses, trains, and subways are cheaper than taxis. Not only do you save money, but you also have the opportunity to interact with other people. Talk to your concierge or another knowledgeable person about the safest routes as well as areas of the community that you should avoid.

Try a Bicycling or Backpacking Holiday

When you go bicycling or backpacking, you can explore the countryside without the expense of gas. Of course, this isn't for everyone or for every area of the world. However, it will save you money and keep you in shape. If you don't own the proper equipment, try to borrow or rent what you need.

Travel with Friends

If you are planning a solo trip, travel with one or more friends for safety and economy. Accommodations and other expenses can be reduced significantly in many cases.

Use Rewards Cards

Earn travel miles and discounts by making all your travel purchases with a rewards card. Plan a budget and stick to it. Try to pay off the full balance of your credit card when you return so that you avoid paying interest charges.

Join Travel Rewards Programs

Many hotels, airlines, and car rental companies offer programs for travelers. Even if you are not a frequent traveler, you should be able to find a program that will offer you some benefits.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Discounts are often offered to auto club members, veterans, seniors, and other groups. Always ask; and make sure you carry proper identification, registration cards, and other required documentation to qualify for the discounts.

Do Not Buy Anything on Impulse

Do you really need that expensive T-shirt or souvenir? Think carefully before making impulse purchases. Avoid expensive boutiques and restrict your spending to true bargains. In some areas of the world, bargaining is expected. Give it a try. You might turn that deal into a steal!

Avoid Paying for Wi-Fi

Search the Internet for "free Wi-Fi directory" before you leave. You might be able to locate hotspots in advance. If your hotel charges for Wi-Fi, investigate free services offered by places like McDonalds, Starbucks, and public libraries. You might be able to access nearby networks from your room. Check to see what is available before you sign up through the hotel.

Have a great vacation!

Read more articles to help you save money while you travel at 111 Travel Directory. You will also find over 1500 free travel tips at 1000 Tips 4 Trips, arranged in 26 different categories from Air Travel to X-tra Travel Resources.

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