Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Planting gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside

Planting gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, like I'm helping one of God's creatures along the path of life. Do you have a green thumb? I love gardening, don't you? Can you give me some plant tips?

Oooooh, crocuses are pretty, I like tulips, too! heard they were easy to grow, True?

My first memories are of grandmother working next door in her garden. She would literally cultivate rows of flowers.....from seeds, bulbs, anything that she could cut. I got to help her as all grandchildren did. When I was nine, she told me I was old enough to cut the flowers for church......I was thrilled....then when I was 11, I started getting to cut and arrange. My favorite things about gardening is to propagate plants.......anything I can get my hands on from seeds, soft cuttings, hardwood cuttings, etc.


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