Friday, May 7, 2010

Have a vegetable garden

We went for simple vegetables to start, that we knew we would like to eat. The big hit has been cherry tomatoes - we planted them once and now every year get a massive crop with no effort on our part. Basically read anything you can find on your choice of veg but don't be scared just get a crop planted and learn from your mistakes.

I'd recommend:

Drip Irrigation - just a simple one, and don't forget to turn it off...
we learned that the hard way when the neighbors came to alert us to
the water running down the side of their house! the garden was a boggy

Compost! - there's something so cool about the fact that even our
wasted off cuts or the odd veges that got chewed up by snails went back
into the ground to do the next crop some good (fabulous for when there
is a surplus that goes bad in the fridge too!)


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