Saturday, May 22, 2010

Growing Out Gray Hair

If your hair needed to be colored and permed at the same time, but obviously you can only choose one for the health of your hair, which would you choose?

I was thinking of getting my hair permed when we get our taxes, you know, treat myself a little bit. I haven't had a perm in over 8 years, and I loved having permed hair!

However, I notice my gray hairs are showing through again, so I'm needing to color my hair.

I don't know which I should do. If I don't get the perm, I may not get the chance again for awhile. I can't do an at home perm, so I have to go to a salon, but it's hard coming up with that much money, and I don't always feel justified spending that much money on something unnecessary.

Coloring I can do at home cheaply, so I could put that off for awhile, but is it safe to color your hair when it's permed? Will it mess up the perm if I color it a month or so after the perm? Can I live that long with my gray hairs showing through??

What would you do?


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