Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm wanting a new book on gardening

I'm wanting a new book or two on gardening, and one that has a bit of focus on houseplants and overwintering plants indoors. I'm also thinking about one with details on starting from seed and propagating. Which books are the most informative, with in-depth information and tips? I need something that will be useful to me in a cold climate.

Any links to good sites are also appreciated. I'm looking for a book, a hard copy, something that I can read in bed or when the internet's out.

I already had a book called "All New Square Foot Gardening" it is a great book for outdoor gardening including seed starting. I also have the suggestion for Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening. As far as houseplants it depends what you want to grow. I think Taylor's Guide to Houseplants is good but if you are like me and prefer growing more unusual stuff like lemons and herbs it won't be very helpful.


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