Saturday, May 22, 2010

Maple Leaf Prime--Year of the Mom Contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.

My Mom is one of those, which can turn bad situations around and make them into a success. Mom made many sacrifices, one being, she wasn't around that much to watch us all growing up. Her first two marriages failed. However, her hard work and brilliance at organizing and entertaining gave us a great example of what to do if we wanted to get ahead. As a result, I think all her children are good organizers and entertainers.

At Maple Leaf Prime, we are inspired by you Mom, and want to recognize all that you are and all that you do. For this reason Maple Leaf Prime decided to celebrate Year of the Mom by holding a contest with the grand prize a year’s worth of free household services. The contest begins on April 26, 2010 and concludes June 30, 2010.

Enter for a chance to win one of two prizes of $25,000, or one of 500 instant win prizes of a coupon redeemable against the purchase of a Maple Leaf product to a maximum value of $10. Enter the PIN code found in packages of specially-marked Maple Leaf Prime and Maple Leaf Prime Naturally products, or free code with mail-in request!

Visit my sponsor: Year of the Mom


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