Friday, May 28, 2010

0 twitter business card

Living in a city that never sleeps, I am always encountering new people who I would like to keep in contact with. But looking for paper and pen in my handbag requires a search team. Even trying to enter the information into a cell phone on the fly can often be pretty clumsy.

While trying to think up a plausible premise in my needing a business card. I came across a website about twitter business card. It spoke at great length about a lady’s obligation to a hostess and/or special occasion. One of the obligations required that she leave a calling card.
NEXT - twitter business card

Thursday, May 27, 2010

0 I accidentally bought organic cabbage

Have you bought or tried any organic foods?

I'm having my first right now! I accidentally bought organic cabbage. Somehow I thought it was cheaper than regular.. turns out it was about 50 cents per pound more expensive... but I didn't realize that until after I'd paid.

So I made it up with dinner tonight... wow is there a difference! This seems to taste sweet, I know cabbage doesn't normally taste sweet!

I've also bought some organic carrots (not by accident) but I've not tried them yet.

What do you think of organic foods? Do you notice a taste difference?
NEXT - I accidentally bought organic cabbage

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

0 Property Manager in Columbus

Columbus property management loves to see business owners like you succeed. It's their passion to allow you to own property and collect the many benefits that can come from it if it's successful. There are many things that need to be taken care of regarding property management and some of the most important are running daily operations, regular maintenance, prompt repairs, and tenant relations.

Visit the website of PProperty Manager in Columbus and get benefited. They usually are primarily real estate agents, who also do property management because they want to manage when you choose the sell the property.
NEXT - Property Manager in Columbus

0 Happy Planting!

My rose bushes are in their second year, and this year they are absolutely full of blooms. I have one tomatoe plant in a Topsy Turvy, it already is huge, and has blossoms and tomatoes soon. Cukes, are planted and soon to flower. Peppers I don't know what is up with them this year, they just aren't coming along. I also have lilies, hydrangea, and tulips, plus three magnolia trees.

Do you like gardening? I do. And, it seems my neighbors do too. I have started with some berries, snapdragons, some rose bushes and some other plants. What are you planting this year? Maybe, I could get some ideas from you!
NEXT - Happy Planting!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

0 Maple Leaf Prime--Year of the Mom Contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.

My Mom is one of those, which can turn bad situations around and make them into a success. Mom made many sacrifices, one being, she wasn't around that much to watch us all growing up. Her first two marriages failed. However, her hard work and brilliance at organizing and entertaining gave us a great example of what to do if we wanted to get ahead. As a result, I think all her children are good organizers and entertainers.

At Maple Leaf Prime, we are inspired by you Mom, and want to recognize all that you are and all that you do. For this reason Maple Leaf Prime decided to celebrate Year of the Mom by holding a contest with the grand prize a year’s worth of free household services. The contest begins on April 26, 2010 and concludes June 30, 2010.

Enter for a chance to win one of two prizes of $25,000, or one of 500 instant win prizes of a coupon redeemable against the purchase of a Maple Leaf product to a maximum value of $10. Enter the PIN code found in packages of specially-marked Maple Leaf Prime and Maple Leaf Prime Naturally products, or free code with mail-in request!

Visit my sponsor: Year of the Mom
NEXT - Maple Leaf Prime--Year of the Mom Contest

0 Growing Out Gray Hair

If your hair needed to be colored and permed at the same time, but obviously you can only choose one for the health of your hair, which would you choose?

I was thinking of getting my hair permed when we get our taxes, you know, treat myself a little bit. I haven't had a perm in over 8 years, and I loved having permed hair!

However, I notice my gray hairs are showing through again, so I'm needing to color my hair.

I don't know which I should do. If I don't get the perm, I may not get the chance again for awhile. I can't do an at home perm, so I have to go to a salon, but it's hard coming up with that much money, and I don't always feel justified spending that much money on something unnecessary.

Coloring I can do at home cheaply, so I could put that off for awhile, but is it safe to color your hair when it's permed? Will it mess up the perm if I color it a month or so after the perm? Can I live that long with my gray hairs showing through??

What would you do?
NEXT - Growing Out Gray Hair

0 La Serious Griller Contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of henderson bas. All opinions are 100% mine.

Steaks are anything but economical. So when I decide that I want to have one, I would like it to be prepared PERFECTLY. I love a nice medium-rare sirloin, lightly seasoned so the true flavor of the meat is the focus. I'm a simple with my canvas. Some people enjoy their steak well done with ketchup.

But, before you throw your next steak on the barbecue, see what grilling experts do to ensure that it turns out tender and juicy. Check out the videos from Chef Michael Cloutier to learn how to grill the perfect steak.

Chef Michael Cloutier also provides some other tips and tricks in the kitchen such as:

*How to make the perfect gourmet gravy
*Homemade, Healthy Jam… in under 30 minutes!
*Marinating tips for the BBQ

Right now! is hosting an amazing contest that gives you the chance to win $300 in gear from Canadian Tire and a deluxe La Grille Barbecue Seasoning Pack! Click the link to enter the La Serious Griller Contest.

The contest begins on May 20, 2010 and ends on June 30, 2010. To join the contest, you must be a Club Member (“Club Member”) and a Canadian resident!

Visit my sponsor: Grilling the Perfect Steak
NEXT - La Serious Griller Contest

0 Playing the Guitar

I've been practicing guitar for a while now, trying to teach myself, but I'm still having problems with my up strums. It may just be a matter of experimenting and practicing more but I guess it can't hurt to ask around for some help. The thing is, I often hit the strings either too hard, not at all, or just get a messy strum when I play. Could it be that I'm trying to do too much of the movement with my wrist? How much should I rotate my wrist between up and down strums?

I try to keep my pick as close to a 90degree angle with the body of the guitar as possible when playing, and only tilt it a little (point it a little upwards on down strums and down on up strums). Should I tilt it more?

Any help is much appreciated. I know that experience will make me better but I'm trying my best not to develop any bad habits so I really am hoping for some advice.
NEXT - Playing the Guitar

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

0 Win a Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Nestle Nescafe Dolce Gusto. All opinions are 100% mine.


I love coffee. I could drink litres of it and still want more. I like coffee, hot, cold, in a latte, cappuccino, in a truck stop mug, or Turkish spicy sweet. I would say it is my one vice.

There is a contest open right now to all Canadian residents until June 24th at where you will learn about the new Nescafe Dolce Gusto machine and even get a chance to win a NESCAFE Dolce Gusto machine of your very own. What's good about the Nescafe Dolce Gusto coffee maker? It has a 15-bar pressure system which makes it capable of producing a rich coffee producing the signature creamy layer and frothy milk of some famous coffee houses. It is able to produce both hot and cold coffee.

Enter to win 1 of 10 NESCAFE Dolce Gusto machines by entering the contest online at! The contest runs from April 26, 2010 to June 20, 2010. The Contest is for CANADA residents only!

If you interest is sparked enough to want your own Gusto and you can't wait for the draw date to take place you can find your own machine and many of the retailers you shop at everyday. The Gusto machines are sold by the Bay, Home Outfitters and many other great retailers and you can find the replacement capsules your retailer or local grocery store for added convenience. There are currently two models with prices ranging from $159 to $179 with the T-FAL model available from Wal-Mart and the Krups model at other retailers.

Visit my sponsor: Win a NESCAFE Dolce Gusto machine!
NEXT - Win a Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

0 Planting gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside

Planting gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, like I'm helping one of God's creatures along the path of life. Do you have a green thumb? I love gardening, don't you? Can you give me some plant tips?

Oooooh, crocuses are pretty, I like tulips, too! heard they were easy to grow, True?

My first memories are of grandmother working next door in her garden. She would literally cultivate rows of flowers.....from seeds, bulbs, anything that she could cut. I got to help her as all grandchildren did. When I was nine, she told me I was old enough to cut the flowers for church......I was thrilled....then when I was 11, I started getting to cut and arrange. My favorite things about gardening is to propagate plants.......anything I can get my hands on from seeds, soft cuttings, hardwood cuttings, etc.
NEXT - Planting gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside

0 Turning hobby of gardening into career

I am interested in turning my small time hobby of gardening into a bit of a career. Are there classes, certifications, training that I can take in order to become an expert on plants, trees, etc? I'd like to have a deep knowledge of the various kinds of trees, shrubs, flowers that work in different climates, how to best plant and maintain them, to design landscapes with a variety of well-coordinated plants, etc. Should I try to become a certified arborist? Where do I start exploring this potential new career direction?
NEXT - Turning hobby of gardening into career

0 I'm wanting a new book on gardening

I'm wanting a new book or two on gardening, and one that has a bit of focus on houseplants and overwintering plants indoors. I'm also thinking about one with details on starting from seed and propagating. Which books are the most informative, with in-depth information and tips? I need something that will be useful to me in a cold climate.

Any links to good sites are also appreciated. I'm looking for a book, a hard copy, something that I can read in bed or when the internet's out.

I already had a book called "All New Square Foot Gardening" it is a great book for outdoor gardening including seed starting. I also have the suggestion for Rodale's Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening. As far as houseplants it depends what you want to grow. I think Taylor's Guide to Houseplants is good but if you are like me and prefer growing more unusual stuff like lemons and herbs it won't be very helpful.
NEXT - I'm wanting a new book on gardening

0 Companion Planting

I am trying to find more information about the type of gardening or farming where you maybe plant a blueberry bush underneath an apple tree. This is supposed to allow natural type pesticides as well as keep soil rich.

Its called companion planting.

It can be used for various purposes. Some plants help to deter pests from other plants, such as garlic. Some help by attracting pests away from other plants, like planting aphid attracting Calendula next to roses. Some enrich the soil, like Dandelion that draws up nutrients from deep in the soil. Some contribute to the health of sickly plants, like chamomile (which also protects seedlings against damping off disease). Some attract beneficial insects that feed on insect that are infesting your garden, like Queen Anne's Lace that attracts parasitic wasps.

There are a number of excellent books out there that cover companion planting in depth, such as Carrots Love Tomatoes, Roses Love Garlic by Louise Riotte
NEXT - Companion Planting

Saturday, May 15, 2010

0 I love flowery plants and vegetables

I love flowery plants and vegetables. So for me I would choose to plant roses, santans, daisies, tulips and others. In vegetables, I want to plant eggplant, bitter melon, jutes, pumpkins and others.

I have a garden full of different plants and flowers. I like gardening and my father too. He loves planting different varieties of plants. We have a kitchen garden and we have almost everything there like Mango tree, Gauva tree, cauliflower, lady's finger, cucumber, carrot, tomato, water melon and some flowers like roses, daises, tulips, tulsi and many other plants, I don't remember the names of all. My kitchen garden is very beautiful and just love it.
NEXT - I love flowery plants and vegetables

0 San Diego Fence Company everyone needs a fence!

A fence does not only make a certain place or house secure but it also make a particular building or house look good if the fence is constructed creatively. For me, I fenced my house for reasons of security and added attraction of my house. I made it sturdy to stand in the cold and hot weathers. So, for you people out there if you like to have your house fenced, there is not much good fencing company out there. Look for the best. One of the best is a san diego fencing. You have got to try this in order to prove it.

They have all types of fencing designs based on the customer requirements, and they use good quality materials, which help them to provide good quality services for the customers. They are expertise in all types of fencing like an ornamental iron fence, glass fence, wooden fence, chain link fence, and so on. They also have custom gates and automatic operative gates, which are providing more security for our properties.
NEXT - San Diego Fence Company everyone needs a fence!

0 My pepper plants have actually started to sprout

After two weeks of waiting my pepper plants have actually started to sprout. My tomatoes are growing nicely and are about 2 inches high. I thought I had dud pepper seeds but they are starting to make their way up. I can't wait to put them in the ground. This will be my first real garden so hopefully it will go good and the critters won't be helping themselves to my vegetables before I get to them.
NEXT - My pepper plants have actually started to sprout

Friday, May 7, 2010

0 Have a vegetable garden

We went for simple vegetables to start, that we knew we would like to eat. The big hit has been cherry tomatoes - we planted them once and now every year get a massive crop with no effort on our part. Basically read anything you can find on your choice of veg but don't be scared just get a crop planted and learn from your mistakes.

I'd recommend:

Drip Irrigation - just a simple one, and don't forget to turn it off...
we learned that the hard way when the neighbors came to alert us to
the water running down the side of their house! the garden was a boggy

Compost! - there's something so cool about the fact that even our
wasted off cuts or the odd veges that got chewed up by snails went back
into the ground to do the next crop some good (fabulous for when there
is a surplus that goes bad in the fridge too!)
NEXT - Have a vegetable garden

0 I've been a busy gardener.

Well this week I've been a busy gardener. This is a photo of the new area my
wife wanted. Well I did actually but she loves the idea. Anyhow it is finally
done for the most part. I hope so anyhow. If she needs more, I'll be digging
again. This was all lawn & I spared the grassy parts. Discussion to follow
about those pieces of lawn. All that needs to be done before planting in this
bed is to add some black top soil & level the area out. How hard do you work
on your garden? Are you an avid gardener at all?
NEXT - I've been a busy gardener.

Monday, May 3, 2010

0 divorced

I see many of my friends whose parents are now divorced. It is pretty hard on them. But I would really like to know how one feel when he or she gets the divorce. What kind of feeling comes from it? I read somewhere that some women feel much better. But logically I thought ending a relationship can be very difficult for couples. What do you think?
NEXT - divorced

0 F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Just yesterday, I happened to pick up my sister's notebook in our kitchen table. Out of curiosity, I went checking some of the pages. I noticed some written items there. Some were just scribbled out. What caught my attention was the note entitled 6 Kinds of Toxic Friends, which include:

1. The fault-finder
2. The discloser
3. The self-absorbed
4. The double-crosser
5. The promise-breaker
6. The competitor

There were no description for each kind though. They were just enlisted. BUT such names sure sounded DANGEROUS... But WHY are they called friends at the first place? Can such people really be called as F-R-I-E-N-D-S when all they do is live by the name "TOXIC"?

0 The White Tiger

My favorite animal is the white tiger. They are so rare and so beautiful. Like other tigers, no two have the same stripes which give them a type of "fingerprint" so to speak. I just adore their bright blue eyes as they remind me of my own. I hope that they don't go extinct in the future but since they are born white due to a mutated gene they are always a surprise to get. The only way for them to stay on this earth is to make sure that Bengal tigers in general don't go extinct. A challenge in today's world, but one I hope humanity will accomplish.
NEXT - The White Tiger

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