Friday, July 29, 2011

0 I think I've gotten more judgmental.

When we're young, our impressions of people are formed by the world around us. They are formed by our mothers, fathers, our grandparents, our siblings even. Later, it's formed by teachers, and by our friends. Later then that it's formed by ourselves, by what we see and perceive around us. But even so, it's also formed by the television, by other people as well.

I guess what I want to know, is do you think that you yourself are more judgmental now that your older, and do you become more judgmental with age? Each year that passed, do you find you are scrutinizing others actions, whether it be of family, or of a celebrity?

I'm curious to know what others think about this.

I think I've gotten more judgmental.
NEXT - I think I've gotten more judgmental.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

0 Wake up!

If we have a regular job that pays our bills? Aren't we contented we our monthly earnings? If you have no job at present, is spending more time in the Internet worth than looking for the next job?

I have a job, just one good job with very good benefits. But I have some idle moments. I like to spend time in the Internet when I am done with my chores at home. It was a rewarding experience when I earned some money online since 2008. I had good and bad experiences. I earned through writing even though English is my second language of there there were many resubmission before it was approved and got paid.

There is not hope for PTC sites and others ge rich quick promises sites. Wake up!
NEXT - Wake up!

Monday, July 25, 2011

0 I like to party with my friends

I like to party with my friends. I like it when one of them has a party at their house or we all go out for one of their birthdays. It is also fun to go out with my girlfriend and have a good time. Sometimes we get a big kick out of just meeting new people.

The way I look at it, the more the merrier. It is fun to go out and sing karaoke sometimes. We actually have quite a few good singers in our circle of friends. Some of them are in bands, so you knew that they would be good. But it's that first time when you see the person who is usually shy and off in the corner get up there and just whale a great song that gets me. You totally don't expect it.

Have fun partying, I hope you get to go out as often as you like. Have a great day!
NEXT - I like to party with my friends

Saturday, July 23, 2011

0 Non-stop laughing

Did you ever experience a moment or an event in your life that you can't stop laughing? It had happened to me many times, almost when I was still in grade school.

It happened if I still remember it well while I was reciting something in front of the class, my other classmate sudden cracks a joke and the whole class laughed even my teacher, then when all of my classmates stopped laughing I also stopped. But when I remembered what the joke was I felt that it was funny and I laugh, I tried to stop it with all of my efforts but I can't. It was kind of embarrassing because I can't stop laughing but its fine with me, that’s life.
NEXT - Non-stop laughing

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

0 Daydreaming

I have a habit of day dreaming when I have no work to do or when I was traveling or when I was lonely. I like it a lot. I often sit in front of my desk and fall into a beautiful daydreaming. Sometimes I imagine that I become a very strong man, no one can beat me; sometimes I suggest that I am a handsome man, which many ladies fall in love with me. Sometimes I dream of an ancient beauty that I fall in love with. Aha, how good and fascinating thing!
NEXT - Daydreaming

Sunday, July 17, 2011

0 Relaxation

Each work day, we go through a series of stressful moments. By the time one gets back home, one becomes so tired and exhausted. For me, the best way for getting rid of the stresses and relaxation is listening to classical music. There are many things can be done in order for us to relax. Sleeping is am effective one; it can make our body and mind rest.

Another way is by staying at home and watches television or movies while eating foods or drinking wine. Others prefer it to go the beaches to enjoy. Some go outside and go to the malls where they can have their meals or could watch movies in theaters.

Relaxation means to rest from work and stress, to be able to recondition the body and the mind. We all need recreation to avoid stress from work or from home. It is important that we can regroup our mental focus through relaxation to perform better in the works we have to perform in the times of work.
NEXT - Relaxation

Thursday, July 14, 2011

0 I'm bad at explaining things!!!

I Am! I was just responding to a friend's discussion about rook, and I was trying to explain the game of Spades, but I am just terrible at explaining. I hope I was clear enough, but to be honest I'd have to be playing a game of spades to explain better!

I think part of the problem with me and being so bad at explaining things is that I don't always fully understand the thing I am trying to explain. I've always turned to someone else who knows what I mean to explain things for me, My girlfriend has done a lot of explaining or clarifying for me.

It's gotten me into a bit of a mess before. I've gotten people angry too! I feel embarrassed about it, but I usually just get over it, or try to explain it better next time!

So are you bad at explaining things?

Or are you the one who explains?

Are you like a dictionary?
NEXT - I'm bad at explaining things!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

0 My computer started messing up

I was on gather and the computer started messing up. I was really getting aggravated and annoyed, hollering and screaming, which really makes me want to hunt down a blogger's blog posts about yelling at the computer, I thought I didn't, but now I know I do and have in the past yelled at the computer.

In any case, first it was freezing, then the mouse, then the keyboard, so a few reboots later, it's working fine but not without hollering, getting annoyed and my mom laughing...

Tell me your must funny yet annoying computer story, and I'll tell you more about mine... Just don't feel like typing it all out now.
NEXT - My computer started messing up

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