Monday, July 25, 2011

I like to party with my friends

I like to party with my friends. I like it when one of them has a party at their house or we all go out for one of their birthdays. It is also fun to go out with my girlfriend and have a good time. Sometimes we get a big kick out of just meeting new people.

The way I look at it, the more the merrier. It is fun to go out and sing karaoke sometimes. We actually have quite a few good singers in our circle of friends. Some of them are in bands, so you knew that they would be good. But it's that first time when you see the person who is usually shy and off in the corner get up there and just whale a great song that gets me. You totally don't expect it.

Have fun partying, I hope you get to go out as often as you like. Have a great day!


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