Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm bad at explaining things!!!

I Am! I was just responding to a friend's discussion about rook, and I was trying to explain the game of Spades, but I am just terrible at explaining. I hope I was clear enough, but to be honest I'd have to be playing a game of spades to explain better!

I think part of the problem with me and being so bad at explaining things is that I don't always fully understand the thing I am trying to explain. I've always turned to someone else who knows what I mean to explain things for me, My girlfriend has done a lot of explaining or clarifying for me.

It's gotten me into a bit of a mess before. I've gotten people angry too! I feel embarrassed about it, but I usually just get over it, or try to explain it better next time!

So are you bad at explaining things?

Or are you the one who explains?

Are you like a dictionary?


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