Friday, September 3, 2010

Online Degree at USC

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of USC. All opinions are 100% mine.

Taking the time to get your education is never a bad decision. Even if you're a bit older than current college students, when you return to college during middle age, you will probably be leaving a spouse and children at home. You'll be faced with a complicated juggling act while you're in school. Your family member's lives will continue as normal, except you'll be driving to school every day instead of work.

Are you looking for a way to gain your certification, but don't have time to go to school? The answer to your certification is attending an online certification school. The USC Rossier School of Education’s MAT@USC offers current educators and aspiring teachers the prestige of earning a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from an elite research university with the convenience and flexibility of studying online. I could not image how difficult it is to have to juggle getting one’s master degree and taking care of a family plus a job thrown in but with this program it will make it a lot easier.

This is your opportunity to get a degree from a prestigious school. Getting a degree online will allow you to be working or taking care of a family without having to worry about going to classes all the time.

This school has been ranked #22 in the United States and #9 out of all the private universities by the US News and World Report. You need to checkout their website to get the program information you will need to make an informed decision. They have a lot of benefits such as groundbreaking tuition reimbursement programs, and accelerated programs that you can complete in as little as 12 months. They also offer scholarships that you might qualify for.

Learn more about it from MAT@USC Student Blog as actual students share their experiences about the program.

Visit my sponsor: Master of Arts in Teaching degree online from USC


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