Monday, September 6, 2010

The smelly hamster cage!

I'm sure there are other people out there that have had issues with the smelly hamster cage. I think I have finally found the solution to the problem. No more smell! I have tried so many things. This works the best.

I went to tractor supply and bought some Equine Fresh. Its all natural pine pellet bedding for horses. Then I got Greenfresh natural bedding. I only put the bedding in the corner he sleeps in and the pellets every where else. Presto! The odor is gone!

I clean up the corner that he pees in and once a week or so change the pellets in the rest of the cage. It works great and I don't have to use harsh detergents that don't get the smell out anyways. And the bedding and pellets will both last a long time and they aren't that expensive. I think I might have 10 bucks in it.


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