Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Healing and Health, God's Way

People are getting sick everyday. Our body is susceptible to wear and tear like any machines. We get virus attack when we are exposed to polluted environment or maybe we are down with food poisonings. We really do not now the working of our own bodies. Today we are well but tomorrow might see our temperature soaring high. Illness can be so unpredictable and it can attack even the healthiest person. Disease is unwelcome and to keep it at bay, we must follow the simple rules of good living. Exercise should continue in one form or another until death.

When you are sick, have you ever thought and pray to God for healing? How often have you heard God referred to as the Great Physician? Every wise doctor will tell you that most of his work consists in putting the body of his patient into the best condition so that the healing forces of nature may work without obstacle. As one wise doctor said: "I treated the patient, but God cured her". Faith and Prayer are two of the strongest forces which can put your mind and body into that condition!


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