Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall TV season’s best entertainment

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of TiVo. All opinions are 100% mine.

My family loves our TiVo. We do love television too. I may not recommend it for someone who doesn't watch that much television as we just bought one for my in laws, and they had a hard time thinking of shows to set up to record. Maybe over time they will add more. As for us though, we use it often. It is great with a toddler as well. I do not like him to watch that much television, but he likes to watch it so I am able to fast forward to the last ten minutes or so as a compromise. It is wonderful to fast forward through commercials and not have to stay up late to watch a favorite show. It is also nice when I have a down moment and nothing good is on television to see if anything is recorded on the TiVo for me to watch.

If you are not familiar with TiVo, then I would say you miss a great deal of entertainment and fun. From what I know, Tivo premiere is a one remote, one HD interface that brings entertainment and fun with just one dive. TiVo polls its network, getting program information including description, regular and guest actors, directors, genres, whether programs are new or repeats and even identifying which one is in high definition. Information is updated daily so viewers always get the latest information.

You won't have to miss a thing!

You can now subscribe to the Fall TV Guru Guide and find all the must see TV shows premiering this fall. You can't also follow your favorite actors onto their new projects! With TiVo Premiere you can check out everything your favorite actor participates in and watch it via Amazon Video On Demand, YouTube, Netflix, Blockbuster OD or your cable line up!

On a side note, TIVO is having a contest! Be sure to Enter to Win a new TiVo Slide in the “30 Slides in 30 Days” Sweepstakes! Sweepstakes ends 9/22/10. You can keep up with the Sweepstakes and so much more TiVo news on their Facebook Fan Page!

Visit my sponsor: Fall’s Hottest Entertainment


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