Thursday, April 29, 2010

"You Gotta See This" Video Contest Winners

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Incendia Health. All opinions are 100% mine.

As we age our eye sight change, and many people who are forced to rely on contact lenses or glasses to improve their vision long for a life without the assistance of these corrective lenses. I, myself, wear glasses all day, everyday. I can't see a thing without them and it frustrates me when I don't have them on, because, well.... I'm blind as a bat without them.

While LASIK corrective eye surgery can be a great opportunity to give up glasses or contact lenses for good, and be able to see normally. Thanks to the iLASIK Video Contest, I've been able to see what others have thought of having their life changed by LASIK corrective eye surgery.

A couple of months ago I wrote a blog about an awesome iLASIK Video Contest. Entrants made videos, showing how their lives would be different with better vision, for a chance to win a cash and prizes. Well the results are in and the winners have been announced! You can view the winning videos and all other entries at On top of that, you can receive valuable eye care products if you register.

Here are the winners, by category:

$5,000 Grand Prize
“You Gotta See This Music Video” by Alex

Category 1: My Contacts Are Getting In The Way Of My Good Time
First Prize: “You Gotta Be Kidding Me! A True Story” by Robbo (HDTV package — a $2,500 value)
Second Prize: “Contacts Stink” by windysail (Flip UltraHD™ camcorder — a $199.99 value)

Category 2: My Favorite Sport Or Activity Would Be So Much Cooler With Better Vision
First Prize: “iLASIK Would Make Surfing More Enjoyable” by jhbmw007 (HDTV package)
Second Prize: “Foggy Riding” by Snowman (Flip UltraHD camcorder)

Category 3: You Should See Life After The iLASIK® Procedure
First Prize: “Orbs Of Perfection” by Danny V (HDTV package)
Second Prize: “Army LASIK” by ahowalton (Flip UltraHD camcorder)

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