Tuesday, April 20, 2010


When you're sound asleep what's the absolute worst way to be woken up?

I can think of quite a few but I think one of the most horrible ways is to hear the cat start to vomit. There's nothing worse than being half awake, still all foggy in the head, and not knowing where the puke is!

Sometimes the sound of outside. Last time I wake up by the yelling from downstairs, I just want to go down there and ask then to shout up. My apartment face to the parking lot, sometimes, neighbors come back home in the midnight or go out early, some car's engine is loud I just hate that! I think besides this cause from outside I kind hate wake up by bad dream, sometimes, bad dream just seem so scared, I hate wake up like that!

Another way I hate to be woken up is by the phone ringing. It's loud, there's a phone right beside the bed, so it actually SCARES me awake and if someone's calling in the middle of the night I always fear the worst. I always have a hard time getting back to sleep after because my heart's beating like crazy.

And rounding out the top four of my personal worst ways to be woken up is being urgently shaken. Either it's because something terrible is happening or it's for something silly that really could have waited until the morning. Both are not good in the middle of the night!


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