Sunday, April 18, 2010

I’ve got bigger and better desires and dreams

So a year has gone by since I made that ‘dreaded’ decision of quitting my job without another to go to. I’ve been really skeptical about my choices since then and I’ve never applied for a job I really didn’t want. I did a 3 month stint over the summer and though it wasn’t what I wanted, I went in there knowing that I wasn’t planning on taking up a permanent decision. Through it all, I’ve started getting my own business off the ground and though it’s not nearly where I desire it to be, it is what I want and I’m happy at this stage. It is allowing me to be a business man, to be independent, creative and happy whilst working.

2010 is a new year…and I’ve got bigger and better desires and dreams, especially career wise. At the end of January I’m going to make the decision of whether to re-enter the workforce as an employee or whether to finish my degree full-time. However, either way, my business is going to continue and ‘if’ I do decide to get another job, it’s going to be in something I love. After a year, I can define more clearly what that is. I’m happy in what I’m doing now and I know that once I keep ‘me’ as my focus this goal will continue to happen for the rest of my life.


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