Friday, April 30, 2010

I am looking for some healthy, low fat, cabbage recipes

I am looking for some healthy, low fat, cabbage recipes. What are your favorite ways to have cabbage? How often do you have it?

We don't have it very often, but I'd like to start having it more, like perhaps once a week. But I need some ideas of how to incorporate it into our foods, because eventually plain cabbage will get boring!

I like putting cabbage in soups. It boils down so it goes well in just about any broth soup, just chop it up and throw it in. It blends in nicely. I also cook cabbage in a crock pot with corned beef. Just put in the meat and the meat seasonings, add a little water to the bottom of the crock pot and toss in the cabbage, in a few hours the cabbage will be cooked and broken down and will have taken on the flavor of the corned beer.

Als cabbage rolls are really easy and tasty, take a little cooked rice and cook it in a pan with some cooked ground beef and some tomatoes paste until heated through. Then take nice sized cabbage leaves and wrap spoon fulls of the mixture inside each cabbage leaf and bake until the leaf is tender. Yum, yum.


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