Friday, April 30, 2010

0 I am looking for some healthy, low fat, cabbage recipes

I am looking for some healthy, low fat, cabbage recipes. What are your favorite ways to have cabbage? How often do you have it?

We don't have it very often, but I'd like to start having it more, like perhaps once a week. But I need some ideas of how to incorporate it into our foods, because eventually plain cabbage will get boring!

I like putting cabbage in soups. It boils down so it goes well in just about any broth soup, just chop it up and throw it in. It blends in nicely. I also cook cabbage in a crock pot with corned beef. Just put in the meat and the meat seasonings, add a little water to the bottom of the crock pot and toss in the cabbage, in a few hours the cabbage will be cooked and broken down and will have taken on the flavor of the corned beer.

Als cabbage rolls are really easy and tasty, take a little cooked rice and cook it in a pan with some cooked ground beef and some tomatoes paste until heated through. Then take nice sized cabbage leaves and wrap spoon fulls of the mixture inside each cabbage leaf and bake until the leaf is tender. Yum, yum.
NEXT - I am looking for some healthy, low fat, cabbage recipes

Thursday, April 29, 2010

0 "You Gotta See This" Video Contest Winners

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Incendia Health. All opinions are 100% mine.

As we age our eye sight change, and many people who are forced to rely on contact lenses or glasses to improve their vision long for a life without the assistance of these corrective lenses. I, myself, wear glasses all day, everyday. I can't see a thing without them and it frustrates me when I don't have them on, because, well.... I'm blind as a bat without them.

While LASIK corrective eye surgery can be a great opportunity to give up glasses or contact lenses for good, and be able to see normally. Thanks to the iLASIK Video Contest, I've been able to see what others have thought of having their life changed by LASIK corrective eye surgery.

A couple of months ago I wrote a blog about an awesome iLASIK Video Contest. Entrants made videos, showing how their lives would be different with better vision, for a chance to win a cash and prizes. Well the results are in and the winners have been announced! You can view the winning videos and all other entries at On top of that, you can receive valuable eye care products if you register.

Here are the winners, by category:

$5,000 Grand Prize
“You Gotta See This Music Video” by Alex

Category 1: My Contacts Are Getting In The Way Of My Good Time
First Prize: “You Gotta Be Kidding Me! A True Story” by Robbo (HDTV package — a $2,500 value)
Second Prize: “Contacts Stink” by windysail (Flip UltraHD™ camcorder — a $199.99 value)

Category 2: My Favorite Sport Or Activity Would Be So Much Cooler With Better Vision
First Prize: “iLASIK Would Make Surfing More Enjoyable” by jhbmw007 (HDTV package)
Second Prize: “Foggy Riding” by Snowman (Flip UltraHD camcorder)

Category 3: You Should See Life After The iLASIK® Procedure
First Prize: “Orbs Of Perfection” by Danny V (HDTV package)
Second Prize: “Army LASIK” by ahowalton (Flip UltraHD camcorder)

Visit my sponsor:
NEXT - "You Gotta See This" Video Contest Winners

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

0 God is good all the time

God has been so good to me. I sacrificed so much just to get to know him. I love Jesus so much. I trust him and i feel that for the past year I’ve been getting closer to him. I always whisper ‘i trust you Lord’. He comforts me always even when i feel like dying. He is my hiding place whenever I’m afraid. I live for God. The spiritual connection with him is so amazing! There is no other love greater than his love. He’s like a drug. When I’m lost i always find my way back to him! I want to know him more.

I can’t live without him. Period.
NEXT - God is good all the time

0 Websites are a way to promote the businesses these days

Have you ever wanted just some basic information about a business, such as their approximate prices or their hours or something like that, and you go to do a search for this business on the web, and all you're given is a phone number, so you have to call them in order to get the simple information you want? Most of the time businesses have this information on their automated answering machine, but it would have been simpler for you if that information had been on a website, wouldn't it?

Have you ever looked up a business hoping to find a website, but they didn't have one?
NEXT - Websites are a way to promote the businesses these days

0 Having Fun

My yard is is full of leaves and for the past few days I have been meaning to clean it all up the problem is once I have made a pile I have to jump and roll around in it then the neighbors dog and grandson join in and I have a bigger mess then when I started but it's just so much fun to do childlike things.When we were kids we had to create our own fun and use are imaginations.I have often been told I am immature for doing such silly antics like that or jumping in puddles but heck life can be too serious at times so I see know harm in it and I still like to blow bubbles and watch them float in the sky. Do you get absurd childlike moments and if you do or would like to what would that be?
NEXT - Having Fun

Sunday, April 25, 2010

0 Cavalry

Are you looking for debt delivery or any sort of money that is invested with an expectation of profit? If yes, then I would like to suggest you one name that the world called it as Cavalry Portfolio Services. Yeah! This is the fact that everyone must understand that he/she must come out from the days due to major changes on the economy front world wide.

Many of us come out the situation in such a bad recession period that they even fighting to pay their bills or payments or debts to the institutions. All you can get benefited with its services like Medical insurance, Dental Insurance, Life insurance, Short and Long Term Disability. So just check it out what worth for you?
NEXT - Cavalry

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

0 Start your own business

There are many kinds of business which are existing in this modern era. They may be all the same but the nature of the business and the scale of each type of the business differs to some extent. Nevada corporation has a very good opportunity that offers you a very good chance to easily earn the money out of your own business.

The Nevada corporation can also help you to get a job. The jobs are the source of income for most of the people on this is earth. If such a job is gone then the person may starve to death or he or she may at the hands of the nature.

The most popular package of the Nevada corporation starts from $30 for the file stamped copy of articles. For the checking of the availability of names, making the articles to be approved by the incorporation, making the articles to be filled by the state and for mailing them to the required person, an amount of $75 is given. The same amount is collected for the Nevada State Filing fee. The registered agent for an annum has to pay $89. Some of the other packages are the free business credit builder, initial minutes and free forums. The Nevada corporation offers fastest expedite services for filling LLCs and the Nevada Corporations.
NEXT - Start your own business

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

0 Sleeping

When you're sound asleep what's the absolute worst way to be woken up?

I can think of quite a few but I think one of the most horrible ways is to hear the cat start to vomit. There's nothing worse than being half awake, still all foggy in the head, and not knowing where the puke is!

Sometimes the sound of outside. Last time I wake up by the yelling from downstairs, I just want to go down there and ask then to shout up. My apartment face to the parking lot, sometimes, neighbors come back home in the midnight or go out early, some car's engine is loud I just hate that! I think besides this cause from outside I kind hate wake up by bad dream, sometimes, bad dream just seem so scared, I hate wake up like that!

Another way I hate to be woken up is by the phone ringing. It's loud, there's a phone right beside the bed, so it actually SCARES me awake and if someone's calling in the middle of the night I always fear the worst. I always have a hard time getting back to sleep after because my heart's beating like crazy.

And rounding out the top four of my personal worst ways to be woken up is being urgently shaken. Either it's because something terrible is happening or it's for something silly that really could have waited until the morning. Both are not good in the middle of the night!
NEXT - Sleeping

0 Free content for your website or blog

Are you in need of any good quality articles for your website or blog? Then the right place for your need is to visit website. Webmasters uses the articles from article alley and post it to their sites provided that they link back to the source page on article alley. At the end of every article you submit is an author bio where you can put links to your website where the readers can go directly to read more about what you have to say thus driving more traffic to your website. People are free to post concerning any topics of their desire and the contents range from a simple high school English assignment to Rocket science technology. But not all the topics posted by people are available for public view as there are group of professional editors present to check whether our article meets the required terms and conditions and once it’s satisfied, then the article is available for public view.

From there you can get huge collection of wide variety of articles in topics like business, computer hardware, computer software, dating, health, web design, web hosting, wedding & marriage, writing & reading, search engines, technology, women, religion, site promotion, fashion, finance, internet, music, real estate and a lot more. Business Articles is more supportive for you to promote your business and it brings positive results also. It allows your readers to visit your website directly from reading their desired article. This free article directory is the one stop source for all your need of articles.
NEXT - Free content for your website or blog

0 a short story

A few weeks ago, I suggested to a couple of friends that they write a short story for a national contest. I went to middle school / high school with each of them. They’ve both settled into life, and by that I mean that they probably don’t write much, if at all, anymore. But I remember them being smart, creative people, who were also good writers.

There wasn’t any significant prize. The intent was to just enjoy the process. Well, while sitting in the airport I found myself inspired by the many people. Next thing you know, I had written a story and submitted it.

I don’t really expect to hear anything from the contest sponsor but I have to admit it was kind of fun to write it. Glad I did it.
NEXT - a short story

Sunday, April 18, 2010

0 I’ve got bigger and better desires and dreams

So a year has gone by since I made that ‘dreaded’ decision of quitting my job without another to go to. I’ve been really skeptical about my choices since then and I’ve never applied for a job I really didn’t want. I did a 3 month stint over the summer and though it wasn’t what I wanted, I went in there knowing that I wasn’t planning on taking up a permanent decision. Through it all, I’ve started getting my own business off the ground and though it’s not nearly where I desire it to be, it is what I want and I’m happy at this stage. It is allowing me to be a business man, to be independent, creative and happy whilst working.

2010 is a new year…and I’ve got bigger and better desires and dreams, especially career wise. At the end of January I’m going to make the decision of whether to re-enter the workforce as an employee or whether to finish my degree full-time. However, either way, my business is going to continue and ‘if’ I do decide to get another job, it’s going to be in something I love. After a year, I can define more clearly what that is. I’m happy in what I’m doing now and I know that once I keep ‘me’ as my focus this goal will continue to happen for the rest of my life.
NEXT - I’ve got bigger and better desires and dreams

0 poptropica flash games

Playing online games is always cool and excitement. Even sometimes we will prefer multi player options also. That is playing the game with some of our online players at the same time. That will be more fun and excitement also relaxed us from the tensed life. And another thing is lots of online games are specially made for boys. Maybe correct. But poptropica has many online games that are made for the girls. Just take a look on the list e.g., Couple Love, Britney Spears Date Dress Up, ACNE PANIC 2, Britney in Brazil, Paris Hilton Dress Up, Cute Charry Girl, Katy Perry Dressup, Puppy Styling, Miley Cyrus Dress Up and Valentines Day Date Dress Up.

The poptropica games is an exceptional place to start whether you are a newbie or a skilled player alike. It is a free channel to lend a hand to players finds safe and funny online poptropica destinations.
NEXT - poptropica flash games

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