Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This new show is very entertaining

Just caught 2 episodes of this new show and it's very entertaining. I know that in part it's being done so that the CEO's and Management can get a sense of how their employees do their jobs and how they like the company but it also gives an interesting insight into how companies are run.

I saw the Churchill Downs episode and it really brought home just how many people it takes to run that kind of a company. And the Hooters episode where the male mgr was such a jerk to the girls really needed a wake up call. Can't imagine how embarrassed he must have been to have the world see what a jerk he is and how demeaning he was to his staff.

And the flip side is that I am sure some companies are doing it for the publicity but it's entertaining none the less! Have you seen it and if so, what do you think of it?


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