Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Signed Up for SocialSpark!


This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

I recently signed up with SocialSpark to make a little extra money writing reviews, and I am going to review As I have mentioned in other blog posts, I was looking to increase the overall revenue on my blogs. The process of signing up with Social Spark only took me a matter of minutes. SocialSpark is a place for advertisers to interact with bloggers who are willing to take pay per post type advertising and run with it. Get to know them, see how big their audience is, whatever. If you do happen to have any questions, SocialSpark does offer support in the form of their Customer Love Team.

It is also easy to check over your account and see how much you have earned… and the best part? They pay via paypal! So you don't have to wait weeks to get a check like with so many other companies! My online friends are earning from 50$-100$ a month just by doing reviews for Social Spark's advertisers. I want that amount in my paypal account too. Besides that, SocialSpark also requires good English content and grammar. You may check this on Code of Ethics.

Blogger's can also make money by placing display advertisements on their blog. The sponsorships offered through the SocialSpark marketplace allow advertisers to build buzz, generate traffic and maximize social media exposure.

Just imagine the joy of making money from doing the things you love doing. Now, I think you should do the same with me: Sign up for SocialSpark.

Visit my sponsor: I Signed Up for SocialSpark!


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