Friday, March 19, 2010

I really enjoy the beach

I really enjoy the beach. I haven't been in over 4 months now. I do not live anywhere near an ocean or beach, so it is quite a drive for me to go. Probably about 700 or 800 miles to the nearest one.

I did get to spend last winter right on the beach, and the ocean. It was an excellent 6 months. I did not have to deal with the cold weather and snow, like where I live now.

I hope to get to do that again someday. I especially enjoyed spending a few minutes or sometimes even a couple of hours, just walking on the beach and picking up sea shells. They are so beautiful, I wished I had a place for every one.

If you are not too far from the beach, I hope you will enjoy it as often as possible.

Do you like beach?


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