Thursday, December 24, 2009

0 Merry Christmas!!

Hey bloggers just a quick discussion to say Merry Christmas to all.

Today we celebrate Christmas, and I want to greet you all a Merry Christmas! Wish you all the best and happiness; don't forget to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Have a happy celebration of Christmas and New year! Merry Merry Christmas.
NEXT - Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

0 Food food FoOd

However pointless this must be, I do think it'd be a bit fun to see everyone's answers. My husband and I may taco's last night, we ate the taco's, but not all the beef. I was thinking of eating just the beef... This got me to thinking of what other foods like taco's do we eat the center or inside of, missing hamburger buns, or tortilla shells, or what have you.

Let me try to clarify, Taco's and Sloppy Joe's are both items that require a shell or bread. What other foods like this are there out there and have you found yourself with more of the meat (I.e. : ground seasoned beef) for taco's left over, but nothing else to eat with it?

What could I eat with it, we have chips but I don't know that we have corn chips.
NEXT - Food food FoOd

Saturday, December 12, 2009

0 Quality Posts

I think it is important and it contributes to quality posts. Anyone can access the web not only bloggers. For instance, if we are going to search something in Google and one of the blog post appeared, and even if we did not make a thorough reading, just seeing how we construct sentences, like the punctuations, capitalization, spelling, etc, are we going to choose that result?

We can not say that we are making quality posts if we do not care to check it before submitting.

I sometimes do it but not as often as others. I did it if I can remember. Sometimes when I was in a hurry, I don't mind. If we have a spelling check option, I might do it regularly. I don't even read my response twice. I usually notice my mistake after publishing and can not even edit it.
NEXT - Quality Posts

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

0 Typing

I noticed that I am looking at the screen lately, rather than looking at my computer's keyboard. Maybe I am getting used to it. I have no formal training in computers, so I was very slow on my first 2 years using computers. Now, I am pretty fast, isn’t amazing?
NEXT - Typing

Saturday, November 28, 2009

0 Making Friends

To make friends is easy but to maintain the friendship is difficult. Well to tell to the fact I do sometimes shy off, it becomes difficult to approach a friend and say hi or hello to her/him. I guess it depends sometime on the upbringing of the child, if the child is brought up in an open minded environment, he finds it very much comfortable making friends but he is brought up with parents who are a bit narrow minded, he finds it really uncomfortable to find friends.

Are you the really friendly guy who interacts with everyone and makes friends instantly? Or are you the guy who shies off and doesn't move for it. As for me I am not the very friendly kinds. It takes me a lot of time finding good friends. So are you good at making friends?
NEXT - Making Friends

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

0 Do you still use floopy disk??

A few years ago a floppy disk is the easiest and cheapest removable disk in our computer when the flash disk's cost was too expensive. But today all of us prefer using flash disk as the capacity higher and as not expensive as before.

I am not using any more floppy disks because I think that the flash disk becomes more handy and better in many aspects. Gone are the days when we store our computer works in a floppy disk. This time, we have a better storage in our computer or in our flash disk.
NEXT - Do you still use floopy disk??

Monday, November 23, 2009

0 How Often Do You Update Your Blog?

I write my blog at least once a week. Just to keep people updated of course. People won't be visiting my blog if i won't update too often. Sometimes when i am inspired, i would update twice or thrice a week. It depends on my resources of course! Sometimes when I'm uninspired, i would just embed a funny Youtube video.

How about you?

How often do you write for your blog? Is it received positively?
NEXT - How Often Do You Update Your Blog?

Friday, November 20, 2009

0 My place

I once live in a place where the roads were not cemented. When it rains, the streets became muddy and it ruins one’s day completely. There were times when my shoes and slippers were newly cleaned and after the rain, those all went wet and muddy. i still have an hour to ride for work and when I get there, the mud was already dried up leaving my shoes looked so gross in mud.
NEXT - My place

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

0 What do you eat for dinner?

I usually settled for oatmeal and fruits during dinner or may be mostly fruits as it give me much better sleep. There were times when I used to take heavy foods especially during night parties. It would be a horrible night. It’s difficult to sleep.

May be a full stomach would give a bad sleep in my case.

How about you? What food do you consume during dinner - are you able to sleep well.
NEXT - What do you eat for dinner?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

0 Parents

I had seen 2 beautiful women hanging out together and I thought they were sisters or just best friends but the other woman called her mom. Her mom and she look like they were of the same age. I also remember on a talk show there was this guy and his friends mistaken his mom as her girlfriend because she really looks young. I also remember I have an officemate and I had mistaken her dad as her older brother. Don’t you think it’s cool if your parent looks like they were your age? Why do you think they stay young?
NEXT - Parents

Friday, November 13, 2009

0 I'm looking for movie advice

What would you recommend we get from the movie store? My girlfriend and I are going out with her parents today to celebrate her belated birthday. Her mom asked if I would rather like to go to the movie store to get a movie instead of going to the movie theater and I agreed. So even though there are some good movies out in theaters, I (and my girlfriend) would rather watch some at home. What movies would you recommend for the following genres:

1. Western
2. Romantic
3. Comedy
4. Action

if you can think of a movie that will incorporate if not all, at least two of those genres I would really love to hear it! I appreciate your advice, and I hope that you have a very wonderfully lovely day

as my girlfriend and I always ask. I hope that you will take it seriously!
NEXT - I'm looking for movie advice

Thursday, November 12, 2009

0 Here's a good quote that i want to share to everybody:

Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right forget about the ones who don’t. Believe that everything happens for a reason... if you get a second chance grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that life would be easy; they just promise it would be worth it. Friends are like balloons once you let them go you can never get them back. So I am going to tie you to my heart so I will never lose you.
NEXT - Here's a good quote that i want to share to everybody:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

0 Embarrass

Have you ever tried to right someone's wrong and they just didn't get it? Did you ever use the "embarrass tactic?" By embarrass tactic I mean that you get so frustrated that instead of trying to correct someone's wrong doing or saying you just embarrass them by telling them they're wrong in front of a lot of people in hopes that they will learn their lesson. I can't think of a good example other then to say someone who just doesn't seem to grasp what you are saying but says 'Oh yea I get it. Okay, thank you for telling me this, and I will correct myself in the future" and yet they do the exact same thing over again. It's like burning your hand on a stove burner for the first time, and then doing it again and not learning your lesson.

So do you know anyone like this? Do you just want to scream? Have you tried to embarrass them to make them learn?
NEXT - Embarrass

Saturday, November 7, 2009

0 I am looking for good movies to watch

Do you like movies?

What was that last good movies you ever watched? I am looking for good movies to watch this holiday with family. If known any movies except horror, I would really appreciate you sharing it. I like to have few but I do not know what to watch. Please also add what kind of movie it is and a brief descriptions.

NEXT - I am looking for good movies to watch

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

0 Pop up ads! Better to remove it.

When some friends or even some members in any forum and website posted a link to their website and then lots of pop up advertisements, I hate it. For me, it is very annoying and I don't want to visit the site again. Some bloggers, add affiliate codes that pop ups automatically every time we open their link, even if it has some few cents earnings but you also lose followers and subscribers who does'nt like it. Better to remove it.
NEXT - Pop up ads! Better to remove it.

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NEXT - Disclosure Policy

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