Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Have you ever tried to right someone's wrong and they just didn't get it? Did you ever use the "embarrass tactic?" By embarrass tactic I mean that you get so frustrated that instead of trying to correct someone's wrong doing or saying you just embarrass them by telling them they're wrong in front of a lot of people in hopes that they will learn their lesson. I can't think of a good example other then to say someone who just doesn't seem to grasp what you are saying but says 'Oh yea I get it. Okay, thank you for telling me this, and I will correct myself in the future" and yet they do the exact same thing over again. It's like burning your hand on a stove burner for the first time, and then doing it again and not learning your lesson.

So do you know anyone like this? Do you just want to scream? Have you tried to embarrass them to make them learn?


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