Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Great Indian Rivers

India is a very conservative country. It is a highly religious land and strongly believes in the supernatural powers. Rivers in India are considered to be holy. They are respected and taking bath in them is also considered holy and religious. India is blessed with many rivers. The various rivers flowing through this Indian land are Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri, Godavari, Brahmaputra, Indus, Beas, Narmada, Mahanadi, sangam, Krishna, sindhu, Godavari, and there are others as well. These are as special as the Indian temple for an Indian. People from all over the world come to this blessed land and see the religious significance of these rivers and are amazed.

The most important and holy river of India is river Ganges. It is the most sacred river of India; a dip in its holy waters is a must for Hindus. The river has its source at the Gangotri glacier which flows from the cave of Gaumakh in the southern Himalayas. The largest tributary of the river is the Ghaghara, which flows from the northern Nepal region and joins it before Patna in Bihar. Another major tributary is the Yamuna originating in the Yamunotri glacier, and flows through Delhi and Agra. It has many tributaries and the water of Ganges is considered so pure that people keep it at home and use it during any puja.

The holy Yamuna originates in Saptarishi Kund, a glacial lake in the Himalayas and deemed more sacred than the Ganges due to its association with lord Krishna and his childhood days. It rises from the Yamunotri glacier in the Tehri Garhwal district in the Himalayas, the Yamuna flows parallel to the Ganga till they meet at Allahabad. The land from where the Yamuna flows is considered very fertile. Sangam is another major river of India. It is the confluence of three of the holiest rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. At Allahabad, one can see the rivers merging together and it is a major pilgrim site. Mahanadi River is the river which is the life line of Chhattisgarh. The river flows from the Eastern Ghats to the Bay of Bengal through Cuttack, in the eastern Orissa State. It rises from the highlands of Chhattisgarh and flows through Orissa to reach The Bay Of Bengal.

Brahmaputra is a broadest river of India. It rises in western Tibet in the Mansarovar region. It is comparatively less polluted than other rivers of India. Narmada is the largest west-flowing river in India rising from the Madhya Pradesh region. The famous Indus River was the cradle of India's great Indus Valley civilization. It has its source near Mansarovar. It is joined by its first tributary, the Zanskar in Leh. When it enters the plains, its famous five tributaries - the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej - that give Punjab its name (land of the five rivers) join it.

All these rivers are like jewels to this Indian land. These sacred and holy flowing rivers hold great significance for the Indians and are respected. They are beautiful and they appear more brilliant at moonlight.

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