Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Differentiating a Travel Agency From a Specialist Travel Planner

Preparation for anything-be it a short travel abroad, or even what to do on a day-to-day basis-must undergo careful planning. It is essential to be ready at all times, so planning ahead of time can save you the time and stress. Besides, you can still give time to arrange and rearrange your schedules, or add and cross out activities to do. Having the liberty to do so can make you feel more relaxed and comfortable with what you are doing. If you are not sure about what to do, or if you want a second opinion, you can always consult with someone who has the abilities and experience. Doing so might be a good choice, and might give you the best ways to do it.

Planning an itinerary for travelling can be either hard or easy, depending on your capabilities and experiences which might be corrected. For example, in the past you booked a room in a place (let's say it is Place X) and you unfortunately did it in peak season, which meant you paid a higher price than normal. Going to Place X during the "off" season might have given you a different price or a discount even. However, if you plan to consult a specialist, most especially when you are undecided, it is either going to a travel agency or a travel planner.

A travel agency is an ideal place to go if you plan to go on splurging: if you are planning to go abroad or somewhere far, they can do the necessary things for you, the client, to feel comfortable. They can do the booking for hotels and resorts, even for your flight overseas. They might present to you the brochures of different resorts or places (sometimes called packages), what each offers and other things which might considered important to the whole trip. However, there is a fixed budget for this, since what you can experience and what each facility offers already has a fixed cost.

A specialist travel planner, on the other hand, works on a flexible budget, depending on how much the persons involved can afford. The travel planner works it out with them, on what they wanted to do and how they wanted to do it. It is more of a personalized planning, since ideas coming from both the travel planner and the persons involved can help shape up the perfect travel plan.

It is best to determine the budget allocated for travel to know whether to consult a travel agency or a travel planner. If you want to go all out, opt for a travel agency. If you want to have a good time with lesser costs, choose a travel planner.

Planning an unforgettable yet inexpensive honeymoon and still don't know where to start? Let a Specialist Travel Planner do the job for you! Puneet Aggarwal is an expert Honeymoon and Travel Adviser who have planned hundreds of remarkable honeymoons for happy couples! He runs Honeymoonswami where he advises couples on how to choose the perfect travel destinations. Travel in style while saving more money at the same time!

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