Thursday, September 27, 2012

Best Hotel Deals: 3 Powerful Ways to Find a Lower Rate

Have you ever wondered how much you're overpaying for a hotel? The prices that even an average hotel will charge are enormous. No matter how much you try, and what you do, you're always going to pay more than you want to. And if you're planning on spending some time there, that total can be in the thousands.

However, that leaves a lot of room for savings, which you'll find many hotels are willing to offer. But how do you take advantage of them?

Tip #1: Travel During the Down Season

If you haven't selected the dates for your vacation yet, then you might want to consider traveling during the down season. During the down months, hotels are going to have more rooms available and will be more anxious to fill those rooms by offering discounts.

However, the great thing about this tip is that it will help you save money in other areas of your vacation as well. Hotels won't be the only ones seeing a decrease in customers. Other businesses will suffer from the same thing. You might be able to save some money on activities as well.

Tip #2: Look for the More Unknown and Unrecognized Hotels

When people travel to areas they're not familiar with, they generally stick to name brands. For many people they don't want to go off on a limb and accidentally get themselves a sub par room.

However, there are a couple of ways around it. For example, most price comparison websites are great about publishing reviews on hotels. Previous customers will also write comments about their stays, so you can get an idea of what to expect.

What you'll find is that many smaller hotel chains will offer lower prices. And if you pay attention to the reviews, you'll find that some of them even offer a better experience. You can get those reviews on most price comparison sites, and also from Trip Advisor, if you're still having trouble.

There have been a couple of times where I've seen two star hotels get 4 or 5 star ratings from their customers. Great deal in the making? I think so.

Tip #3: Book Through the Right Website

I touched on it a little bit earlier, but booking through the right website can save you a ton of money.

You'll see a bunch of different websites promising to give you the best deals on your hotels. The reality is that you're only going to get one best deal, and you need to find the website that's going to give that to you.

There's a great article on that talks about the best places to book a hotel. It gives a lot of great information about the websites and what they offer that others don't. Click the link to see it. It's definitely something you'll want to check out.

View the original article here


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