Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Spot a Gold Digger

With the hardship and frustrating economy that we are experiencing today, it is hard to imagine that they are men and women who are out there waiting for someone else hard earned cash. In most cases, women are know to be the gold-diggers but surprisingly, there is also an increasing number of men who have taken the same route.
1. Yours for asking when the end month approaches - The busy schedule will be no more at this time, neck stroking and cuddling will be more, sweet for nothing honey and baby will be word of the day. Cooking your favorite meal will not be a problem. 2. Fake excuses - If you pay a house or rent a house for your woman she will always have excuses like my mum is coming over, I have an appointment with my doctor because of my erratic cycle. Simply she is taking you for a ride. 3. A 911 type of call are the most that you will receive - She may call you sometimes but most of the calls will be like my ATM card has been captured, my mum has been admitted to hospital, a tight fix that need $100 to fix which she promise she will pay back but never pay back. 4. Her with a bunch of friends - Whenever you ask her for an outing, she will turn up with bunch of those loudy annoying friends. 5. Disappear with no trace - Just to appear with that whiny voice that make you think she may have been in big problem. Though other signs may still be there. These are the main signs that one should watch out before your are drained the last penny in your account.


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