Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Enjoy and have fun with Spartan Race!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Spartan Race for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Its tough when you are working out on your own, life is hectic enough as it is, and the weather outside does not cooperate so well.  How many of you realize yourself in the similar circumstances, and find yourself quite unprepared for the summer?  When it's time to start hiking into the backcountry lakes are you complaining all but being out of shape?  How about when you bound a big one throughout hunting season, and it's time to race to the top of the ridge to get set up for your shot before he is gone, are you venting your frustrations after that?  I'm constantly looking for the motivation to help me work out better.  I have a group of friends in the same boat in the online community.  Some enter marathons, a few Iron Man competitions, but solid running isn't my thing, and I'm not much of a swimmer either.  So I would like to share something with my viewer that has got me very excited about getting into better shape.  This will be serious motivation for me, as I hope it will for you as well! After several explorations on the internet I’ve found out a absolute way to stay fit and to entertain myself - Spartan Race.



The Spartan races were fashioned with the concept that working out does not obtain to be torturous, and instead can be fun, if only you advance it with the proper mind set. While it is indeed not an EASY pace in the playground, Spartan races are inflicted with a 99% final rate.  If you believe it, you CAN complete it!


Spartan Races consist of obstacle courses that take place all over the globe, offering several distances, levels and challenges with every race!  Races range from 3+ miles to 40+ mile events!  Some races include trail races, mud runs and other obstacles that will take you not on of your comfort zone.  You can decide to be a part of team that is as small as 4 members or more than 30 so you can be guaranteed to get all your friends involved, or even get your kids involved in their Jr. Spartan Race Adventure Race, which consists of about 0.5 miles of small obstacles.  So, you can get a unique and inspiring hobby to stay closer with your dearest.


If you love races, challenges and competition, then I would definitely check out signing up for a Spartan Race!  To learn more, check out their FAQ!

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