Monday, February 27, 2012

Get Organized Online with Clipix

You may have heard your friends declare themselves "clipix addicts" recently. It is the new social media service that everyone's talking about.

With Clipix, you can save anything you find around the web in one safe, organized location with a simple click of a button. Just add the Clipix button to your bookmark bar, and when you find something interesting press it to save it to your boards on Clipix! When you have time later, you can browse your saved links, photos, gift ideas, travel plan, recipes and more.

Here is the video below how to do it and I guarantee it did not take a lot of time to learn about clipix.

Clipix is completely free and you can decide who does and doesn’t see your clipboards.  If you want them to be just for you then you can decide that in your settings! You can also combine clipboards so that if you had stuff clipped that relates to something else even though it is different, you can group them together, and you can create as many clipboards as you want.

Do you have a clipix account? If not, would you like to try it? I’d say go ahead and you’ll enjoy it. Let me know if you have a Clipix account and I’ll share with you what’s in my clipix dashboard.


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