Monday, August 1, 2011

Straight Talk Saves Money

This post brought to you by Straight Talk. All opinions are 100% mine.

The Straight Talk cell phones may not be top of the line but they are definitely not in the Stone Age either. I have a slide phone with a full keyboard and internet. They use Verizon towers so signal is good. For $45 a month I get unlimited talk, text, picture messaging,and internet. I searched around and couldn't find anything else to even compare. Really the only difference between these and contract phones is that I paid my bill at the beginning of the month instead of the end and I don't have contracts, no surprise bills and no credit checks!

When I first found out about Straight Talk and the plan that they offer I was very interested. I went to Walmart and I brought 2 phones because I heard they worked so good and had low rates which it did. I gave one to a friend of mine and I kept the other one for myself.

Straight Talk cell phones are available now with an amazing plan! The new plan is Tracfone's version of unlimited for a great low price of only $30 a month for 1000 minutes OR $45 a month for full unlimited! This is one of the best new plans available to customers considering the average cell phone customer uses about 700 minutes and spends over $70. So don’t hesitate to call a friend.

Finally, Straight Talk only uses trusted phone manufacturers like LG, Motorola, Kyocera, Nokia and Samsung.

Straight Talk is highly recommended by Fantasy Fishing team. This is also their official mobile phone service. It’s an offer that everybody should take as hook, line and sinker. You will get everything you need for only $45 a month!

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