Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The new PlayStation Move!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PlayStation MOVE. All opinions are 100% mine.

I’m a self-confessed gadget freak. But honestly, I do not own the PlayStation Move yet, but after playing on my cousin’s for a few hours the other night I noticed that he had an issue with the calibration. However, he found that once he restarted his system everything was fine.

Playstation Move, for the uninformed, is a little bit like the Nintendo Wii. You play games by standing in front of your TV, pretending to wack a golf ball or fight in a gladiator duel, and your movements are picked up by a camera sitting on top of your TV, allowing you to interact with the game with your body instead of a traditional gaming controller.

It was quite an incredible experience; smashing the ping pong ball across a table, performing back-hand spins, forehand shots, and overhead smashes, just as you would in ‘real life’. The angle that your hand ‘hits’ the ball with has a direct influence on the type of shot produced on-screen – it really is a deeply immersive, realistic experience.

For those with a PlayStation 3, all it takes is the purchase of the MOVE Bundle for $99.99 to adapt the system. Currently, to purchase the entire system and bundle it will cost $399.99. Definitely something to look into if you're in the market for a new gaming system!

Visit my sponsor: PlayStation®Move


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