Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm one of those ex-smokers

I'm one of those ex-smokers out there like a lot of you are. I smoked for over 20 years until I finally gave it up about 11 months ago. I really enjoyed smoking and didn't want to quit. But my doctor said that if I didn't stop, I might have a heart attack, and besides, I was coughing all the time.. continually..and it wouldn't stop. I even coughed a couple of times so bad, that I couldn't catch my breath.. I think that scared me into quitting.

Anyhow, I have found that being around someone who smokes actually nauseates me. I promised myself when I quit, I would not be one of the ex-smokers that drive the smokers nuts about the smoke etc. Before I quit, I was all for the right to smoke and after I quit, I knew I had no right to judge others. However, I have found that being around smokers, being in a house with smokers, being somewhere someone has smoked... even outside.. actually makes me nauseated.

Of course, my father, who still smokes, thinks I'm nuts. Since I almost got sick when he smoked in the house, he's been nice enough to go outside to smoke. When he walks back in the house, I smell it and have to fan myself to avoid getting sick. I can't even go out back and talk to him outside while he smokes.


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