Wednesday, October 20, 2010

0 Spreety TV Online

I am glad to have found this site Where you can Watch Online TV for free. Spreety TV Online is a free television guide for the Internet. It is the clean, family friendly way to watch TV shows online. Now, I won't be worry how much time I spent on the computer.

Spreety provides easy to navigate TV links to the highest quality, legal entertainment choices, including popular online TV shows, classic TV shows, music videos, news, online sports, and free movies online. Our research of trusted online TV sites is the foundation for the free and safe guides of Spreety TV Online and iPhone TV Online.
NEXT - Spreety TV Online

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

0 Dog painting, the latest craze to come out of China

Tiger Dog

Panda Dog

Take a look at the photo that I have added. OK, what is it?

No not a tiny panda but a dog with its fur trimmed and dyed so it looks like a panda.glare

This picture was taken at Zhengzhou, eastern China, where there was a showcase of such dogs.

This is the latest trend for pet owners in China who are copying an American trend of painting poodles to look like other animals at dog shows.

I think that this is cruel myself.

Have you ever seen any of these poor dogs?
What is your opinion on it?
NEXT - Dog painting, the latest craze to come out of China

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

0 The new PlayStation Move!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PlayStation MOVE. All opinions are 100% mine.

I’m a self-confessed gadget freak. But honestly, I do not own the PlayStation Move yet, but after playing on my cousin’s for a few hours the other night I noticed that he had an issue with the calibration. However, he found that once he restarted his system everything was fine.

Playstation Move, for the uninformed, is a little bit like the Nintendo Wii. You play games by standing in front of your TV, pretending to wack a golf ball or fight in a gladiator duel, and your movements are picked up by a camera sitting on top of your TV, allowing you to interact with the game with your body instead of a traditional gaming controller.

It was quite an incredible experience; smashing the ping pong ball across a table, performing back-hand spins, forehand shots, and overhead smashes, just as you would in ‘real life’. The angle that your hand ‘hits’ the ball with has a direct influence on the type of shot produced on-screen – it really is a deeply immersive, realistic experience.

For those with a PlayStation 3, all it takes is the purchase of the MOVE Bundle for $99.99 to adapt the system. Currently, to purchase the entire system and bundle it will cost $399.99. Definitely something to look into if you're in the market for a new gaming system!

Visit my sponsor: PlayStation®Move
NEXT - The new PlayStation Move!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

0 I'm one of those ex-smokers

I'm one of those ex-smokers out there like a lot of you are. I smoked for over 20 years until I finally gave it up about 11 months ago. I really enjoyed smoking and didn't want to quit. But my doctor said that if I didn't stop, I might have a heart attack, and besides, I was coughing all the time.. continually..and it wouldn't stop. I even coughed a couple of times so bad, that I couldn't catch my breath.. I think that scared me into quitting.

Anyhow, I have found that being around someone who smokes actually nauseates me. I promised myself when I quit, I would not be one of the ex-smokers that drive the smokers nuts about the smoke etc. Before I quit, I was all for the right to smoke and after I quit, I knew I had no right to judge others. However, I have found that being around smokers, being in a house with smokers, being somewhere someone has smoked... even outside.. actually makes me nauseated.

Of course, my father, who still smokes, thinks I'm nuts. Since I almost got sick when he smoked in the house, he's been nice enough to go outside to smoke. When he walks back in the house, I smell it and have to fan myself to avoid getting sick. I can't even go out back and talk to him outside while he smokes.
NEXT - I'm one of those ex-smokers

Saturday, October 2, 2010

0 Getting Kids to Eat Vegetables

I pushed vegetables with my son when he was a baby and he loves them i have never had a problem getting him to eat them so to me i think its more staring your kids on veggies as young as possible and sticking with them i have nothing against making food fun but it cant always be that way so i think it would be more helpful to just teach them from a young age to like vegetables.
NEXT - Getting Kids to Eat Vegetables

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