Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Could anyone help on this?

I have bought a pair of golden hamsters and have been taking care of them for over a year. I really enjoyed taking care of them and even going to such length's to give them top quality food and clean water. They even have their own bathroom =). A couple of month's ago, my hamster have given birth to 5 babies. I was so happy because this is the first time I saw one that looks like a pink hairless wonder. However, after a few weeks I noticed the mother eating its own children. I was shocked in seeing this. Could anyone help on this? Its just so sad..


Lilysgramma said...

I think is unusual for the mother to eat her babies after a "few weeks", however, they do this shortly after birth is there are defects in the pinky (baby). Perhaps the baby was going to die or had died. This is the way the parents keep the others safe in the wild so that predators do not find the healthy ones. I know this seems cruel to us but it is the way of nature. If she tries to eat another, I would suggest you seperate them and bottle feed them. You can buy bottles at a local pet store, and possibly kitten milk. I hope this helps.

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