Monday, February 15, 2010

Real book or Ebook

Today, any kind of story, knowledge, etc can be read on your computer, mobile phone, PDA. I'm used to download free ebook from my favorite sites, but i think reading on the "real book" is more efficient for me. I rather read my books on paper. It is better like that. I don`t have to turn the computer on and look at the screen with it bright light that might be to much to look at. The book you can have with you anymore and does`t need to have energy to read it. But the inconvenient for real books it's that we don't have enough space to keep them all.

I have ebooks on my computer and I do read some of them on the computer, but only if i need some fast info. I don`t read for to long. I rather print them out and read them. So for me book over ebook.

So how about you?


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