Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Love is a universal word commonly used to show affection for someone that touches our hearts. It is that beautiful feelings that keep stirring deep inside us which makes our world go round. It keeps our mind occupied every minute thinking of that someone special who might not be within our reach at the material time but visualizing his/her presence in our daily life makes everyday beautiful and inspiring.

Have you ever seen a married couple who at a glance seem unfit for each other yet they are both happy with each other. And a married couple I knew stayed together for years are often at loggerheads but live together out of respect for the vows they signed in church. This is what I call marriage based on convenience rather than LOVE. I believe marriage based on true love are rich and meaningful compared to plastic love. A love on rebound which are mistakenly taken as love is hollow and filled with regrets later in life.

Many of us are unconsciously drawn to a person like the pull of a supernatural force which slowly develop into a strong love. What mysterious force drives us into the arms of one person, while pushing us away from another who might appear equally desirable to any unbiased observer? What good qualities did you see in your partner that draw you to him and commit yourself for life with him/her?


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