Monday, February 15, 2010

0 The Book of Eli - A powerful and entertaining movie.

Washington is a mad divinely protected prophet walking to the Promised Land. Thin on dialogue and big on action and visuals we are gradually clued in to the critical facts - not the least being that Eli is invincible. It makes sense in this desolate dehumanized world to present the Good vs. Evil struggle in such clear simple and graphic terms. Sepia, blue and gray. The main characters are as many symbolic types as human - and this story could as easily told in any style - graphic novel, play and short story. As film unfortunately because of the way everything is revealed from karate fight to karate fight and the pretext for a fight has to be set up over and over again, it drags a bit.

Because Washington is such a superb actor, he gives life to a film that threatens to become a long Sunday sermon. Gary Oldman injects his evil sparkle to the mix at a time when the story needs it most.

The music was effective with all of the low register instruments it could manage.

The final critical revelation about Eli and his purpose is cleverly concealed/revealed till the very last in a few brief images.
NEXT - The Book of Eli - A powerful and entertaining movie.

0 Real book or Ebook

Today, any kind of story, knowledge, etc can be read on your computer, mobile phone, PDA. I'm used to download free ebook from my favorite sites, but i think reading on the "real book" is more efficient for me. I rather read my books on paper. It is better like that. I don`t have to turn the computer on and look at the screen with it bright light that might be to much to look at. The book you can have with you anymore and does`t need to have energy to read it. But the inconvenient for real books it's that we don't have enough space to keep them all.

I have ebooks on my computer and I do read some of them on the computer, but only if i need some fast info. I don`t read for to long. I rather print them out and read them. So for me book over ebook.

So how about you?
NEXT - Real book or Ebook

Saturday, February 13, 2010

0 Partying

Let see how do you really love to get dressed if you are about to go at a full night party - not in a club / pub / disco. Do you follow the fashion trend? Do you wear some special kind of clothes? Is there a favorite colour?

I personally love going to parties and been to lot of - there most of people who organize it know that I usually get the "picture taking" role, while I love to surprise party people in most unusually situations... That's why I wear things I can easily pass by undetected.
NEXT - Partying

Thursday, February 11, 2010

0 Cyber Romance

At first, it's all words seen on the opaque screen. And when finally you see her face and hear her voice, you know something's wrong with you now. When you wake up, you always open your computer even before you remember going to the bathroom first.

You start sharing experiences, secrets, fears and dreams.

You secretly sit on her page, checking her movements and that of her friends too.

You feel a slight pain in your heart when you see a sweet comment sent to her.

You worry and wear a long long face when she's not online at the usual time.

Yay...You must be in love!
NEXT - Cyber Romance

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Love is a universal word commonly used to show affection for someone that touches our hearts. It is that beautiful feelings that keep stirring deep inside us which makes our world go round. It keeps our mind occupied every minute thinking of that someone special who might not be within our reach at the material time but visualizing his/her presence in our daily life makes everyday beautiful and inspiring.

Have you ever seen a married couple who at a glance seem unfit for each other yet they are both happy with each other. And a married couple I knew stayed together for years are often at loggerheads but live together out of respect for the vows they signed in church. This is what I call marriage based on convenience rather than LOVE. I believe marriage based on true love are rich and meaningful compared to plastic love. A love on rebound which are mistakenly taken as love is hollow and filled with regrets later in life.

Many of us are unconsciously drawn to a person like the pull of a supernatural force which slowly develop into a strong love. What mysterious force drives us into the arms of one person, while pushing us away from another who might appear equally desirable to any unbiased observer? What good qualities did you see in your partner that draw you to him and commit yourself for life with him/her?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

0 Water on Moon

Scientists first touch the moon and brought pieces of it back to Earth, scientists have thought that the lunar surface was bone dry. But new observations from three different spacecrafts have put this notion to rest with what has been called "unambiguous evidence" of water across the surface of the moon. The moon remains drier than any desert on Earth, but the water is said to exist on the moon in very small quantities. One ton of the top layer of the lunar surface would hold about just 32 ounces of water, the scientist saying. We remember that when Apollo astronauts returned from the moon 40 years ago, they brought back several samples of lunar rocks. The moon rocks were analyzed for signs of water bound to minerals present in the rocks, while trace amount of water were detected ,these were assumed to be contamination from Earth, because the containers the rock came back in had leaked.

The isotopes of oxygen that exist on the moon are same as that exist on Earth, so it was difficult if not impossible to tell the difference between water from moon and water from earth" said Larry Taylor of the university of Tennessee,Knoxville, who is a member of one of the NASA -built instrument teams for India's Chandrayaan-1 satellite and has studied the moon since the Apollo mission. Now we can have doubt about this discovery. Cause moon is not far away from the earth and why it took so long time to find out water on moon. And if now scientists are saying that there is water. Then how to believe that? And the water which was not found to any other satellite was wonderfully found by Chandrayaan. For that expedition India spent more then 800 drone rupees. And where is that satellite now?!?
NEXT - Water on Moon

Monday, February 1, 2010

0 Rap Music

Do you appreciate rap music? Personally, I like some rap unless 90% of its lyrics is profanity. I used to like every rap song that is released. But that was before. Now my taste in music has changed. Now I like listening to slow songs, whereas before I don't love them that much. They're more touching and appealing to the senses, while most rap music is so fast and monotonous that you barely catch up. I also noticed that rap songs easily lose their popularity, maybe because they're not catchy enough and they don't arouse the feelings that much.
NEXT - Rap Music

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