Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Give a Brighter Year" sweepstakes by AstroBrights

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Astrobrights Papers by Neenah Paper for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

There are two weeks left until school starts! And it’s time for picking up supplies; I love to visit the school supply stores for items throughout the year. A particular favorite product for me is AstroBrights papers.


In the past we've used boring colored paper that I've had stashed away for a few years now, but now that it's all used up, I've been looking for a great alternative to brighten up the craft and school projects and I may just have found a way! AstroBrights papers are something that anyone can have fun with! Your kids can use it for awesome projects; use it at school, home, or the office! You can choose from 23 different brightly colored papers

Did you know that AstroBrights is having a great contest to help education? Support your local elementary school by entering the "Give a Brighter Year" sweepstakes. You can win a cash prize and school supplies valued at $30,000 for the school of your choice! What a great opportunity to give back to the community!


How would you like to win some ASTROBRIGHTS papers and other prizes? Right now they have the family-friendly "Make Something ASTROBRIGHT" design challenge going on where you and/or your family can unleash your creativity! Get busy creating something fun & unique and then share what you created with the folks at ASTROBRIGHTS! When sharing your photos and projects on Pinterest or Twitter, use the hashtag #goastrobrights so they can find your posts!

Pls. visit Astrobrights on Facebook for more details!

What are some fun ways you are getting your kids excited to go back to school?  We would love to know :)

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