Wednesday, March 28, 2012

0 Traveled around the world

An Italian couple managed to travel around the world for fourteen months and only spent six thousand Euros. They began their journey in Spain and managed to visit twenty eight different countries. They liked budget flights, hitch hiking, going across water on other peoples yachts, couch surfing and staying in their small tent. It is interesting that although they were traveling with a tent they traveled very lightly. If you traveled around the world which budget ideas would you have? Do you find sleeping in a tent comfortable enough to enjoy it? Which forms of transport do you find are budget priced?
NEXT - Traveled around the world

0 Have you ever been to any place in South America?

I traveled to Colombia earlier this summer and really liked it there. I went to Cartagena De Indias and Santa Marta. There are many other places I would like to visit in South America if I can ever afford it. Most of all I would love to go to Machu Picchu in Peru. I would like to visit my friend that lives in Chile. I am keen to visit Rio De Janeiro. If I won the lottery I would be able to afford to sail around the Galapagos Islands.
Why is South America less popular to visit than North America? Do you wish to visit any places in South America?
NEXT - Have you ever been to any place in South America?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

0 For workaholics out there!

If you are motivated to succeed, I am sure that you work as hard as you can day by day, trying to give 100 % to everything you do. The issue I have about this philosophy, where you give 100 % every day and work until you can't anymore, is that, without time to recover, our bodies slowly break down. Those of you that go to gym will know exactly what I am talking about. If you push yourself every day, working to the max, never taking a day off to rest and recover. You begin to see a gradual decline in your performance.

You appear to be weaker every day, unable to sustain your peak performance. How is that possible, you give your max every day, working as hard as you can and yet you just seem to go backwards?

The simple answer to this very complex question is that our bodies cannot operate at max for prolonged periods, without sufficient time to rest and recover.

The same is true about the way we work every day. You cannot maintain an effort where you work at your max every minute of every day, never allowing yourself time to recover and refresh. Except you give yourself permission to slow down for short periods of rest during the day and you take at least one day off a week, your performance and output will gradually decline. The other will be frowning at this and will be saying things like "Rest should be a necessity and never an objective".
NEXT - For workaholics out there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

0 Valley of Flowers National Park

A painted hindsight gloves a chocolate past the hungry plastic.

Flowers and nothing but flowers describes this place called Valley of flowers, is perhaps the only place in the world where I can stay whole my life but unfortunately that’s not possible as the flowers have their life and staying there, even reaching there is a lot of effort, In the far interior of Garhwal Himalayas.

The valley is, spread over an area of about 60 Sq. miles and is 10,000 ft above the sea level, full of flowers. The famous Valley of Flowers, with the various species of flowers, is on the Rishikesh-Badrinath road, in Himalayas. With the various species of flowers, is on the Rishikesh-Badrinath road, in Garhwal.

The nearest major town is Joshimath the gateway of Badrinath , Kedarnath and Hemkunt Saheb the world famous places , .We were on our mobikes and were having a lot fun going through the main rout from Haridwar, Rishikesh, Narendranagar, Devprayag, Rudraprayag, Chamoli and Joshimath finally.

From their we reached to Govindgaht and then walked about 10 miles on foot to the valley, though whole of this area the Himalayas is simply unparallel in its beautiful places, but this place is one of the best of its kind and no words are enough to praise this place. The best time to visit the valley is during July and August, that’s the time of flowers to blossom.
NEXT - Valley of Flowers National Park

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