Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Real degrees for real lives: Ashworth College for real.

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Ashworth College. All opinions are 100% mine.

Ashworth College has been a perfect solution for my need to further my education. As an older guy and out of the work scene for many years, Ashworth has been the perfect solution. I am able to work full-time, care for my family, and attend college all at a respectable pace. I have found the on-line college community to be the best fit for my busy lifestyle.

Ashworth College is a great place to get an Online degree. It is possible to study, no matter where you are. If you go on vacation or have to work away from home, you can still get your class work done. There are great programs that you can study in, including: Medical Billing, Web Design, Bridal Consulting, Interior Decorating, Human Resources, Marketing, Early Childhood Education and more.

Get an Online degree at Ashworth College! It's easy, affordable, and is as close as your home computer. Not only that, research shows that tuition (includes all books and course materials) in Ashworth College is 50% less than the average accredited online school. Also, Ashworth offers zero-interest financing plus a low monthly payment plan. Guess what? Monthly payments can run as low as a couple of large pizzas! Unlike other programs, you are guaranteed to graduate without student loan debt. How cool is that? There are also more than 100+ nationally accredited career diplomas, Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and Certificate programs to choose from.

Visit my sponsor: While the kids are away


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