Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What is Facebook to you?

I have just been on Facebook checking up on my messages and friends.
I also knocked off several applications as I found that they were becoming just TOO addictive and taking over my life.

I had 'pets'in Petsvile and Pet Society, and I started stressing when I hadn't 'visited' or 'fed' them; suddenly last night I thought how pathetic this was to have by life dominated in such a way so today I have got rid of them, and do you know what - I feel quite liberated!!!!

I do like to keep in contact with friends and family who live quite away from me, and I find that Facebook really does help me do that - we are able to post photos and messages, and it is a good way of communicating although I think that it is also important to actually physically SPEAK on the telephone as well.

Do you use Facebook?
If so, what for?
Has it changed you life at all?


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