Monday, November 8, 2010

Is this all part of our worlds natural evolution

There can be no one who hasn't read or heard on radio or Tv about the environmental problems that the world is facing. Words and phrases like 'global warming', 'carbon footprints' and 'green house effect'are heard constantly.

The recent oil spillage disaster in the Gulf of Mexico shows the problems of our dependence on ever decreasing natural resources for our energy needs. In both the environmental damage caused by pipelines that are situated at depths that are too far down for us to work on repairing them, economic damage from the increased energy prices needed to fund ever more difficult extraction and environmental cleanups on top of the environmental problems created.

Then there are problems like over population, famines and diseases.

Do you think that it is going to be science that will find the answers to these problems and help save the world, or will Nature determine what happens.

Is this all part of our worlds natural evolution, after all over time ice ages have come and gone, continents have shifted thousands of miles and mountain ranges have risen and fell.

What do you think?


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