Thursday, December 24, 2009

0 Merry Christmas!!

Hey bloggers just a quick discussion to say Merry Christmas to all.

Today we celebrate Christmas, and I want to greet you all a Merry Christmas! Wish you all the best and happiness; don't forget to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Have a happy celebration of Christmas and New year! Merry Merry Christmas.
NEXT - Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

0 Food food FoOd

However pointless this must be, I do think it'd be a bit fun to see everyone's answers. My husband and I may taco's last night, we ate the taco's, but not all the beef. I was thinking of eating just the beef... This got me to thinking of what other foods like taco's do we eat the center or inside of, missing hamburger buns, or tortilla shells, or what have you.

Let me try to clarify, Taco's and Sloppy Joe's are both items that require a shell or bread. What other foods like this are there out there and have you found yourself with more of the meat (I.e. : ground seasoned beef) for taco's left over, but nothing else to eat with it?

What could I eat with it, we have chips but I don't know that we have corn chips.
NEXT - Food food FoOd

Saturday, December 12, 2009

0 Quality Posts

I think it is important and it contributes to quality posts. Anyone can access the web not only bloggers. For instance, if we are going to search something in Google and one of the blog post appeared, and even if we did not make a thorough reading, just seeing how we construct sentences, like the punctuations, capitalization, spelling, etc, are we going to choose that result?

We can not say that we are making quality posts if we do not care to check it before submitting.

I sometimes do it but not as often as others. I did it if I can remember. Sometimes when I was in a hurry, I don't mind. If we have a spelling check option, I might do it regularly. I don't even read my response twice. I usually notice my mistake after publishing and can not even edit it.
NEXT - Quality Posts

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

0 Typing

I noticed that I am looking at the screen lately, rather than looking at my computer's keyboard. Maybe I am getting used to it. I have no formal training in computers, so I was very slow on my first 2 years using computers. Now, I am pretty fast, isn’t amazing?
NEXT - Typing

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